Not just for the bath: Classic hex and penny round tiles have a surprisingly fresh look when used as kitchen backsplashes. Here',s a roundup of a few favorites.
Above: White penny tile pattern contrasts with dark stone counters in a cabin (This Little Forest House ) in the Okanagan region of Canada.
Above: Variegated shades of gray penny round tile enlivens a San Francisco kitchen by Regan Baker Design .
Above: A backsplash of white hex tiles in an Atlanta kitchen by TerraCotta .
Above: Darker-toned grout is used to highlight a white penny round tile backsplash from Modwalls .
Above: A penny tile backsplash pairs well with a wood countertop, from Mosaic Tile Stone .
For more ideas and inspiration, see ",Kitchen: The Stainless Steel Backsplash .",
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