Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kumon Math

Kumon Math- A Kumon Review From A Parent What is Kumon Maths?

I am a mother of children enrolled in Kumon and this is my Kumon math review.

Kumon Maths follows the Kumon Method, a series of graded math worksheets that students work through independently, to master the basic skills of mathematics.

There are more than twenty graded levels within the Kumon Maths program stretching from toddler to college levels and students work through them systematically, repeating and rerepeating each set as necessary, until they have mastered the skill being taught in that series of Kumon worksheets .

Each student is tested at the start of their program, and begins at a level that is easy for them, what Kumon calls a "comfortable starting point." This helps to increase the students confidence and motivation whist reinforcing basic skills.

One of the key features of the Kumon method is that no calculators are used. As a result students become fast and accurate at basic arithmetic as well as more advanced mathematics



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