Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Is Carnation Instant Breakfast Healthy?

Is Carnation Instant Breakfast Healthy? Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013 | By Meredith Hodgkinson
Carnation Instant Breakfast has several healthful attributes. Drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast is certainly better than skipping breakfast completely. Added to milk, Carnation Instant Breakfast serves as a healthy beverage with a small breakfast. However, a breakfast entirely comprise of whole foods like boiled eggs, eggs prepared in olive oil, or other lean protein, skim milk, whole grain carbohydrate, one or more servings of fruit, and a multivitamin is healthier.

Micronutrient Benefits Drawbacks

Carbohydrate is the primary macronutrient of Carnation Instant Breakfast. By itself, Carnation Instant Breakfast has 20g sugar and 27g total carbohydrate. The second and third ingredients listed are sugars, indicating sugars are almost the highest quantity ingredients in the drink mix. Carnation Instant Breakfast is not a healthful choice if you have impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes. Because Carnation Instant Breakfast is low in calories, is consumed as a beverage, and contains less than 1g of fiber, you will likely be hungry soon after drinking it. In general, liquids empty from the stomach more quickly than solid foods. Fiber also slows gastric emptying, and increases and prolongs your feeling of satiety.

Considerations Comparable Alternatives

Ovaltine, also manufactured by Nestlé,, has similar nutrition information in terms of the composition, but has fewer calories, 80 calories per serving and 170 calories when added to 8 oz. skim milk. A quick and convenient, but more nutritionally dense alternative to either drink mix is a smoothie. Most smoothies contain two or three servings of fruit, 8 oz. of milk, and as an added supplement, approximately 25g protein, a nutritionally dense way to meet your micro- and macronutrient needs.



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