Our CBA Learning Module Series is the premier BCBA/BCaBA exam prep tool. It is used by approximately half of the people who take the exam. Many of our customers tell us that it is the only study tool you need. However, we know that the Cooper, Heron, &, Heward (2007) text is needed, as well as supplemental materials on occasion. Generally, we only recommend additional supplemental material if you are having difficulty. However, please give us a call (866-8behave, 866-823-4283) or drop us an e-mail (info@behaviordevelopmentsolutions.com ) if you'd like to discuss supplemental materials. In addition to the CBA Learning Module Series, some of the supplemental resources we often recommend are listed below.
Our training platform is compatible on PCs, Macs, iPads, and most mobile devices. Please use Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer 9 or less. Do not use Internet Explorer 10 or AOL.
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