Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Control Cat Litter Box Odor

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Job One: Scoop, Scoop, Scoop

The first rule of minimizing litter box odor is to keep it clean. Of course, you can't follow your kitty around with a litter scoop, waiting for the moment to clean up after her so her box stays pristine. But you can set a schedule to clean her litter box at least twice a day, no matter if you use clay or clumping litter. If you use clay litter, use a large, solid spoon to pick up as much urine-soaked litter as possible, and be sure to replenish with fresh clay litter to keep enough litter in her pan. If you hate cleaning the litter box, or simply don't have time, consider investing in a self-cleaning litter box that automatically cleans the pan 10 minutes after the cat takes her leave.

Prime Placement

You may be tempted to put your cat's litter box in a far-away place where you'll never notice its odors. While that sometimes works, it's not always practical. The main point of the litter box is to provide your cat a place to take care of her business, so it should be accessible to her. A well-ventilated place, such as near a window, helps disperse odor, as opposed to a warm place, such as by your furnace or dryer, which intensifies the odor. A low-traffic spot gives your kitty some privacy and makes you happy because you're less likely to encounter any offensive smell. The Humane Society of the United States recommends one litter box for each cat plus an extra box, so even if you're a single-feline household, you'll need to find homes for at least two litter boxes. If you have a multistory home, place a litter box on every level.

Deodorize, Don't Mask Odors

Just as most cats don't appreciate fragrant litter, they're also not keen on air fresheners by their litter box. It's fine to put air fresheners or candles elsewhere in the house, but if you want to address the odor at the source, go with something that's not going to irritate your cat's nose. Sprinkling a light layer of baking soda at the bottom of the litter box absorbs odors without annoying your cat. Check your pet store for products that help minimize odors with bacteria-eating enzymes or odor-absorbing crystals.



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