Friday, February 27, 2015

Remote proctor

I. Policy Issues
    Is the Remote Proctor Camera linked to the Angel Exam?

No, the camera and the exam are two separate items. The exam is in the Angel system and the remote proctor camera is a separate piece of hardware and software. They do NOT communicate with each other. As soon as you start the camera and sign in, you must follow the secure exam policies. Test preparation is an important component of testing. The environment should mimic that of a testing center or on-campus exam. Take the time to make sure you have followed test preparation procedures and have childcare as needed. You may not leave the room during testing. For example, it is not okay to sign into the camera and then leave the room for a cup of coffee before starting to take the exam. Do not start the camera until you have prepared your testing space according to the policies and are prepared to start the exam.

Do I automatically fail the exam for breaking any part of the policies, e.g. crying child, visitor at the door, forgetting to cover a calendar on the wall?

Not necessarily. The video will be reviewed by several people, and you will be contacted before any decision is made regarding penalties for breaking test policies.

What happens if I break a rule/violate a policy?

If a policy is violated, either purposely or by accident, the reviewers make a note of the time the violation occurs and flags that part of the recording for review by faculty. There are two types of flagging: Rules Violations and Suspicious. Rules violations are just that&mdash,violations of the rules that the reviewer deems not to be actual cheating. Examples of these types are blurting out a word (not a test question), setting the camera up incorrectly, poor lighting, etc. If this occurs, the student will receive a standard email from SoftwareSecure informing of the violation. Faculty will also be notified. If a violation is deemed Suspicious, only faculty will be notified, and will then personally contact the student.

Am I at risk of failing the test for technical issues? e.g. slow bandwidth, broken camera, ANGEL problem?

5. I use a blank paper to jot notes, write out a diagram, doodle, cover responses on the screen as suggested in BT202, or to compose my thoughts before answering a question. Is this still allowed?



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