Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bruno chair lift

Bruno Lifts

Bruno Lifts are considered to be among the most versatile and respected in the industry.

Listed here are suppliers of Bruno lifts that offer the best prices. Take a look at each and compare prices for yourself.

Bruno, the company that makes Bruno Lifts, offers a wide range of mobility options for users with many different needs.

The aim of the company is to provide mobility independence to a great range of the population with a lift that is built with quality and ease of use versatility.

Some of the lift models that Bruno provides include chair stair lifts, platform lifts, vertical lifts and they can even help with vehicle access.

The stair lift is a great option for anyone with mobility issues, allowing access to all floors of their home safely and comfortably. It eliminates the need to restrict lifestyle to one floor of a house or the cost of completely modifying a home &ndash, which is quite often completely impractical. It&rsquo,s also much less expensive than considering installing an elevator in the home.

Bruno is North America&rsquo,s leading manufacturer in the electric lift chair area so you can be sure that the quality and reliability is superior and your stair lift will operate as its intended. Bruno stair lifts come in a range of designs, from straight and curved stair lifts to outdoor stair lifts and they have the first and only product designed to carry up to 400lb outdoors.

The platform lift by Bruno has been designed thoughtfully and is ideal to attach to any existing patios, verandas or balconies. It will carry up to 750lb which allows mobility scooters to easily be driven onto the platform or for parents and carers to assist. With the ramp access it is easy to get onto the lift and folds away automatically. Another addition to the Bruno platform lift range is the ability to use battery power which will protect you from power outages or in emergency situations.

For added mobility, for those who need mobility aids but have access to a car or can drive themselves, the vehicle lift by Bruno is a great way to get your aids into the car with you. It easily straps on in an SUV or similar car model and can do the lifting for you. It will also swing into the car space allowing the aid to be taken inside the car and stored for later use.

Finally, Bruno lifts offers a fantastic vehicle seating modification, which will make driving easier for a range of people. Being able to add a swivel and movement to your driving seat allows the chair to come out of the car and lower to your level where you can simply get in and be easily returned to driving position. When getting in and out of a car is the major struggle in your independence, this is the perfect product. Available for higher and lower models of car you can get much easier access to your vehicle and driving will become a breeze.

Bruno offers lifts in a range of situations and because of this there is a lift for almost every occasion. They have set the bar high in offering mobility aids for the home and car, catering to almost any mobility issue in the process. It is definitely worth having a look at Bruno lifts for your situation.

Here are suppliers we have found through research that offer the best prices for Bruno Lifts: Kersey and Imed

Take a Look at the #1 Highest Rated Lift Chair Here Selling at a Discounted Price



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