Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pelican water softener

Is Pelican&trade, A Water Softener?

Posted on 07 March 2011.

It seems like I am getting this question several times a day:

We have had a Pelican™* for 3 + years now. Our water tastes great, but it absolutely does NOT soften our water. Our showers heads clog, we have scale on the facets, etc. We have a hardness of about 15-17. If I could have the perfect solution it would be to have the salt water softener on all my hot water and the Pelican™ on only my drinking water. I think the Pelican™ is misleading when it says it ‘softens’. –, Jennifer

The Water Doctor Replied:

By definition (by WQA Soft Water Task Force), soft water is that which contains less than  one grain per gallon (gpg) of hardness ions (<, 17.1 ppm as CaCO3). Any water conditioning device that is effective in reducing the  water hardness to less than one gpg is, therefore, a softener. Any water conditioning device that does not reduce the hardness of the feed water to <, 1.0 gpg cannot be called a softener, and the water it produces  cannot be called soft water. (“,Softening Alternatives) C.F. ‘Chubb’ Michaud, CE, CWS-VI, January 2011 Water Conditioning &, Purification Magazine)

In fact, nearly every definition I have read of “,soft water ”, or “,water softener ”, involves a device that “,substantially reduces hardness.”,  Since Pelican™ does not substantially reduce hardness, I would have to agree with you, Jennifer.  I too believe that Pelican™ is being deliberately misleading when they call their device a “,saltless water softener “,, instead of a “,saltless water conditioner “,.

It is my opinion that when marketing a product you should tell the truth.  A company who doesn’,t may have a degree of success, but eventually the market will figure it out.  Consumers are not stupid!

I would actually be interested in Pelican’,s™ rationale as to why they think it’,s OK to call it a saltfree water softener.

* –, Pelican™ is a registered trademark of Pelican Water Technologies. US Water Systems has no affiliation with the company.


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