Friday, February 20, 2015

Mystic Tan Review

Mystic Tan Review

It is natural to want a golden tan in the summer, even if logically we know that a tan is basically just sun damage. Here is an option to get that look without getting the damaging rays. While this can look great on some, it doesn't always come out as suggested.


  • Very fast head to toe application.
  • UV -Free - safe for your skin
  • Streak free in comparison to rub on creams (if you use the barrier cream properly).
  • Fantastic instructions from the employee working.


  • If you're claustrophobic, you may have an issue with the booth (I did).
  • If you don't apply the barrier cream properly, you'll have funny looking hands and feet.
  • In my salon, the TV was broken, so I was unable to watch the instructional video.
  • Pricey if you want to continue your tan through Mystic Tan .


  • A UV-Free tanner that takes only seconds to apply.
  • Mystic Tanning Salons provide a barrier cream for your nails and palms of your hands.
  • When you're ready, you activate the booth by pushing a green button.
  • Starting in the front, the mist is applied for about 15 seconds on each side of you with a pause to warn you to turn around.
  • When finished, you dry off starting at your feet and working up.
  • Tan lasts for a good 4 to 7 days.
  • Not recommended if you are planning to go in chlorine or salt water because of streaking.
  • Make sure to exfoliate very well the day before tanning for best results.

Guide Review - Mystic Tan Review

I informed the woman that I was new to Mystic Tan, and that I wanted to give it a try. She told me that the mandatory instructional video was unavailable due to a broken TV, but she promised to show me everything, so away we went. Because I was a new customer, I got a two-for-one deal on my tan. The woman working, a regular Mystic tanner, was fantastic at telling me exactly what to do (and what not to do), and showed me everything right in the booth.

First, I got completely undressed (swimsuit is optional) and put on a hair net making sure to leave a hair line out. I then applied the barrier cream to my finger and toe nails, palms of my hands and in between my toes. When I stepped into the booth, I stood on an oval, bent my arms so my palms were not facing the spray and pushed a green button to activate the machine. This is the part where I sort of freaked out. I'm not good with small spaces, or the idea of not being able to breath. About five seconds after I pushed the button, the mist began. After spraying my front for about 15 seconds (and a momentary freak-out which resulted in me breathing in a full breath of tanner), it paused and I turned around making sure my palms were in front of my stomach. Another 15 seconds on my back and it was done. I hopped out and quickly dried myself off. I was almost dry actually, but they instructed me to start drying at my feet and work my way up. Immediately I could tell that I had a bit of a glow. I was instructed not to shower for at least 4 hours.

After eight hours, my body was pretty much an fake tan mess, despite giving myself a great exfoliation the day before. I also applied a light lotion the day I went so I didn't have any very dry patches. My face was by far the worst.

Don't make a rash decision and just show up, follow our first two Self-Tanning Tips and prepare your skin first.


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