Pet owners often wonder how much glucosamine for dogs would be the best dosage. Well, the dosage will depend on many factors including the severity of the problem, the weight of your canine, the breed, and its age. Arthritis is a common ailment among dogs, and about 30% of canines suffer from this disease. In this condition, your dog’,s body is no longer able to generate glucosamine naturally, which is required for healthy connective tissues and cartilage. Therefore, glucosamine is given as a supplement in order to regenerate the joint, and reduce inflammation.
How much glucosamine for dogs is best for curative purposes?Once arthritis has set in, your dog is going to show certain symptoms like moving slowly, taking time to get up from a lying down position, and will not like to be touched due to the pain. In such a condition, you should start treatment immediately. The dosage is mainly based on the weight of your dog, and the form in which glucosamine is administered. Usually sulfate and hydrochloride are the best forms of glucosamine. and we will be considering these forms for the dosage. Generally, it is recommended that you administer per day, 20 mg of the supplement, per pound of your dog’,s weight. So if your dog weighs fifty pounds, 1000 mg would be sufficient per day.
Some veterinarians believe that an increased dose in the beginning will jump-start the curative process. Certain experts even suggest doubling the normal dose in the beginning, and continuing the increased dose for a couple of weeks, and then tapering it off to the normal dose. The only possible drawback in this approach is that certain dogs suffer side effects like diarrhea and vomiting. If these side effects last for more than four days, then the dosage can be reduced. Usually a dog’,s body will take 3 to 4 days to adjust to this supplement, and therefore it is better to wait for this period before reducing the dose.
The above information should give you a fair idea about how much glucosamine for dogs is required in different conditions. In addition, you should make sure to give your dog proper nutrition, and the required exercises for maintaining optimum weight.
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