Thursday, April 2, 2015

Freemotion fitness

Increase Strength by 58 Percent Simply by Doing This…,

“I’m going to get fit in 2015.” How many times have you heard that during the past few weeks? A lot, probably. Getting physically fit is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions year-in-year-out. You may even know someone who said the same thing in 2014, 2013, and 2012.

So what is so hard about sticking to a fitness resolution? For many it’s the fact that they simply don’t know where to start. Going to the gym can be intimidating. Nobody wants to end up in someone’s YouTube video because they mistook a hamstring extension for a bicep curl machine. So maybe you sit down with a member of the staff and ask for a few pointers and they start talking about fixed-isolated this, cable that, suspension systems this and so on. Pretty soon you find yourself nodding along like you understand what their talking about and wishing you had spent your gym membership money on that new flat screen TV instead.

Today we’re going to share three very cool and very simple facts about FreeMotion cable training with you and why we feel it’s a great tool to help you stick with your New Year’s fitness resolutions!

Cool Fact #1: There is a 30 percent decrease in pain with cable training. One of the main reasons people start an exercise program and then quit after a few days or weeks is because their bodies start to hurt. When cable training, your body dictates the range of motion, plane of motion and the movement you make with the cable. In other words: it is not a fixed-isolated movement. FreeMotion cable training allows users to easily stick to their fitness plan because users actually experience a decrease in pain instead of an increase in pain!

Cool Fact #2: Research shows that strength increases by 58 percent with cable training, as compared to using a fixed-isolated piece of equipment. This is due to the fact that all of your synergistic, supporting muscles around the prime moving muscle are activated as you exercise a given muscle group. 58 percent more muscle strength? Who wouldn’t be motivated by that?!

Cool Fact #3: Research shows that balance increases by 196 percent with cable training. Again, this is due to the fact that your muscles are turned on, head to toe, and are synchronizing and working together to stay balanced while performing a given movement.

Cable training with FreeMotion enhances strength by allowing you to perform movements that mimic activities in both life and sport AND functionally trains the muscles of the entire body to work together while building stability and coordination. Think about it, two-dimensional movements DO NOT transfer into our three-dimensional world. In our lives we push, pull, lunge, squat bend and rotate in our everyday movements and FreeMotion cable training allows you to perform ALL of those exercises. With FreeMotion cable we can truly train the way we move in life and sport!

Do you have questions about FreeMotion cable training? Be sure to check out our FreeMotion TV segments on cable training with our Genesis and Live Axis lines for more great information! Still have questions? Visit our Facebook page at and leave us a message!



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