Title: Закон и порядок. Преступное намерение (2001–2011)
7,3 /10
Vincent D',Onofrio A Great TV Detective!!
I first saw Vincent D',Onofrio portraying a GIANT COCKROACH (Men In Black) I thought to myself. wow that',s an interesting concept. A human being turned into an alien bug. But imagine my surprise when I saw Vincent',s face, for the very first time in a commercial advertising Law &, Order, CI. I just knew I had to see how a ",cockroach", character could be taken seriously as a N.Y. crime detective. What a pleasant surprise! I fell head-over-heels in love with Mr. D',Onofrio',s TV detective character. He',s a brilliant combination of Sherlock Holmes and Columbo. Frankly, he',s the ONLY REASON I watch LOCI.
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