Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What Is Magnesium Aspartate?

What Is Magnesium Aspartate? Last Updated: Mar 31, 2014 | By Carolyn Robbins
Magnesium is a mineral essential for blood pressure and blood sugar regulation, muscle and nerve function, and the construction of protein, bone and DNA. Magnesium aspartate is one of the better supplemental forms of magnesium, but it does interact with a number of drugs, including HIV medication dolutegravir. Whether or not you are on other medications, talk to your physician before taking a magnesium supplement.

Supplemental Magnesium Dietary Requirements

Based on dietary surveys, the Office of Dietary Supplements reports that Americans fail to consume adequate quantities of magnesium. A magnesium aspartate supplement may help you meet your recommended dietary allowance of 400 milligrams for men and 310 milligrams for women per day.



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