Thursday, February 19, 2015

Suck It Up Buttercup Paperback - October 1, 2007

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful

By Forrest on July 19, 2013

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

Everything that you have read in other reviews of this book is mostly true. With the exception of a highly interesting foreword and a short closing, the entire volume is a repetitive mantra of "Don't ever stop", etc. etc.

By way of full disclosure, I happen to know the author. Rob is a tremendously interesting guy who has found success in this world through hard work. He could have just as easily written a book that said "Hard Work" several hundred thousand times and the point would have been the same. Perhaps he could have channeled his inner Jack Nicholson, broken out an old ribbon typewriter and typed "All work and no play makes Jack a highly successful boy." You get the point.

Rob is not the type of person to take or believe in short cuts. There is no magic pill to make you successful or 90 second workout to make you thin without dieting. I suppose that this was his point to the reader. There are no shortcuts so don't waste your time looking for them. When you feel that you are about to give up, then THAT is the time to dust yourself off and press on.

My wife was diagnosed earlier this year with cancer. It was caught in an early stage but it was not without its difficulties and she required serious surgery. Towards the beginning when she was down in the dumps, I handed her this book and said this is what you need to do. She found the best care available, underwent surgery and pressed on through her recovery and is now free of cancer. (Thank you, Rob.)

Purchase this book and leave it somewhere visible where you see it every day as a constant reminder of what you need to do to get to where you want to be. I gave it four stars instead of five because the foreword was too interesting to be left so short. Read more &rsaquo,

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