Friday, February 20, 2015

How laetrile or B17 from apricot seeds kills only cancer cells

How laetrile or B17 from apricot seeds kills only cancer cells

(NaturalNews) There is some confusion surrounding laetrile or B17 for curing cancer. Laetrile was banned by the FDA in 1971 despite its proven efficacy. But the source of laetrile or B17, which are both the same, is legally available. That natural substance source is amygdalin. Unfortunately, many falsely believe this poses a serious cyanide poisoning threat.

Amygdalin`s Best Source

An Australian mainstream newspaper told the story of a man who cured himself of cancer by consuming large amounts of apricot kernels containing amygdalin daily while improving his overall diet. The soft, bitter kernels are contained in the hard apricot pits.

Jill Stark opened her March 10, 2010 article with, "Paul Reid should be dead. Diagnosed with a rare, incurable lymphoma, he was given five years, seven tops, by his oncologist." The article included a photo of a healthy Reid, smiling with a platter full of fresh foods at age 68, 13 years after his prognosis. (Sydney Morning Herald. source below)

As of that publication, Paul Reid was still on his organic diet, consuming a small amount of apricot kernels daily for maintenance. Any alternative cancer healing protocol requires radical dietary improvement, which includes abstaining from sugar. His cancer curing protocol consisted of consuming 30 apricot kernels per day.

Despite official warnings regarding cyanide poisoning from amygdalin, Reid did not suffer cyanide poisoning eating 30 kernels a day!

How Amygdalin Kills Only Cancer Cells

Amygdalin contains four substances. Two are glucose, the third is benzaldehyde, and the fourth is cyanide. Yes, cyanide and benzaldehyde are poisons if they are appear as free molecules not bound within other molecular formations. Many foods, including vitamin B12, contain cyanide. But they are safe because the cyanide remains bound and locked as part of another molecule.

There is an enzyme in normal cells to catch some free cyanide molecules and render them harmless by combining them with sulfur. That enzyme is rhodanese. By binding the cyanide to sulfuric rhodanese, it is converted to a cyanate. which is a neutral substance. Then it is easily passed through the urine with no harm to the normal cells.

Cancer cells thrive on fermenting sugar instead of metabolizing with oxygen. Amygdalin contains two glucose molecules. So the amygdalin molecules are quite appealing to sugar hungry cancer cells. And cancer cells contain an enzyme that normal cells do not share, beta-glucosidase .

This enzyme is considered the unlocking enzyme for amygdalin molecules. It releases both the benzaldehyde and the cyanide, creating a toxic synergy that destroys cancer cells. The cancer cell`s beta-glucosidase enzyme causes cancer cells to self destruct by opening themselves to the cyanide and benzaldehyde.

This is how cancer cells are tricked and targeted by amygdalin. Chemotherapy does not discriminate. It kills healthy cells and destroys one`s immune system.


One needs to be on a good organic diet while avoiding all processed foods when treating cancer. Sugar is an absolute no-no for any cancer treatment. It just feeds the cancer cells. Sugar can allow cancer cells to thrive while ignoring amygdalin`s poisons, leaving too many healthy cells with the burden of avoiding any incidental cyanide breakdowns from abundant amygdalin.

This burden and extreme apricot kernel consumption could leak some cyanide into healthy cells. But the warning signs are early and clear.Any nausea, dizziness, or headaches indicate it`s time to slow down the amygdalin dosage, or cut the sugar .

It`s generally advised that a do-it-yourself cancer treatment should be combined with one or two other protocols. The Budwig diet, which will not permit synthetically derived laetrile or B17 tablets, allows natural amygdalin from consuming apricot kernels.

Sources for more information include:

Video Interview of GE Griffin, author of a major Laetrile Book


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