Monday, February 9, 2015

Flea Repellent

Citrus Repellent

Bring 6 cups of water to a boil, and add six lemon peels. Let the water continue boiling for one hour before removing it from the heat and pureeing it in a blender. Strain the liquid and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray it on your pet to repel fleas. You can also use this spray on your furniture or carpeting where fleas have previously been found. While fleas can be killed by the naturally occurring compounds found in citrus rinds, lemony scents smell fresh and clean to humans. When applying a citrus mixture to your cat, use only a light application as cats groom themselves by licking their fur. After application, watch your pet for any signs of illness.

Repellent for Collars

Flea repellents can also be placed on a dog or cat collar. Mix 1/3 oz. almond oil with 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of cedarwood essential oil. Drip four drops over your pet's collar every three days to keep fleas from becoming a problem. Keep any leftover mixture in a small container, such as a baby food jar.

Oral Repellent

According to the website Paw Rescue, you can feed your pet vinegar and yeast to make his skin less attractive to fleas. Pour 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar to your pet's water dish, and mix 1/2 tsp. nutritional brewer's yeast with your pet's food for every 15 pounds of his weight. Repeat daily to keep fleas from wanting to return to torture your pet.

References Resources More Like This

Naturally Repel Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitos

Do Flea Collars Work as Good as Flea Medicine?

Pineapple as a Bug Repellent

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Homemade flea repellents include a lemon tea mixture, eucalyptus leaves, tea tree oil or lavender oil. Use homemade flea repellents to spread.

Fleas and ticks are a common summertime irritant to both pets and people, and they can also transmit dangerous diseases. In addition.

A flea',s first choice for a host is your pet, however, fleas are known to bite humans. Knowing a few flea repellent.



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