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Solutions for any Bates Stamping Project you may encounter!
Bates Stamp Programs from Common Sense Software, LLC offer a variety of solutions to cover any project you may encounter. The programs offer Bates Numbering of electronic files including PDF, TIFF, JPG Images, MS Word and WordPerfect, as well as Labels and Paper Pages. An easy bates program to learn and use. All programs run on Windows Vista, 7 &, 8 (32 &, 64 bit).
Our programs are All New Bates Version 14 . For a list of what's new in this release.
Our Bate Stamp Paper Programs replace the hand Bates Stamp or Bates Number Machine by turning your printer into a Bates Stamping Machine by Bates Labeling of existing documents placed in your printers paper tray.
All our Bates Stamp Programs are stand alone, not an Adobe Plug-in. Adobe Acrobat is not required. Bates Stamp 1000's of Pages in seconds. Available in Network and Stand-alone versions to handle any task. As stated in the Jan/Feb issue of Legal Assistant Today article Bates Stamp by Milton Hooper. ",its the best software I have used.",
Bate Stamp Software for making Labels, stamping Documents and Electronic Files. Easy to install, easy to learn and easy to use. This is indispensable software in any office that handles any volume of bates stamping. Save an incredible amount of time and make you and your staff more efficient, productive and happy.
The New BATES NUMBER PROGRAMS all function in the same way. When you think about how they work just picture we are applying a stamp, which may be paper, ink or electronic. This allows proper placement to all formats and sizes of documents. This is carried through for all formats and the steps to do are consistent across all formats. This greatly reduces the learning curve.
Print a label and paste it on a document.
Place a document in the printer tray (replace blank paper) and print a ink stamp on it.
Bates Stamp an existing electronic document with a graphic stamp.
Scan a document and print a graphic stamp on it.
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