R ubber M ulch P roducts Inc. of Orlando Florida now offers a variety of rubber mulch products that will allow you to spend more time enjoying your LANDSCAPE, PLAYGROUND, EQUESTRIAN or ATHLETIC surfaces and less time maintaining them. Learn more about the value, beauty, and safety of our Landscape Rubber Mulch. Rubber Playground Mulch and Equestrian Rubber Mulch and other quality recycled rubber mulch products.
The popularity of recycled rubber mulch products has increased dramatically since their introduction years ago. Their unique characteristics have helped them gain broad market acceptance from both individual homeowners and commercial users big and small.
Increased demand has attracted new suppliers so, BEWARE. All manufacturers of these products are not created equally. Rubber Mulch Products Inc and its affiliates have decades of experience, which sets us apart from our competitors in five special ways:
- We provide consistent high quality in our products
- We design our products to meet or exceed the highest safety standards
- We give our customers the best value for their dollar
- We provide several convenient methods of purchase and delivery
- We provide same day pick-ups and next day shipments
We also carry:
- borders
- swing mats
- weed barriers
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