Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ol Roy Pet Foods

Consumer Complaints &, Reviews

Satisfaction Rating 1 /5

We purchased the Ol'Roy dog treats in Aug. 2014 from Walmart. We started feeding our 2 Boxers these treats, well one of the boxers liked to snag the other's treats all the time. We started to notice that she was loosing weight. We thought she is a rescue dog and a little older than the Boxer we already had, maybe she is just getting old. We ended up bringing her in to the Vet beginning Sept. 4, 2014, she was in liver and kidney failure, we put her down. The other Boxer was brought in for his yearly check up Sept. 6, 2014 all good health dog. We continued to feed him the treats.

Satisfaction Rating 1 /5

Well I have 2 American bulldogs, one female and one male. I also have money problems due to a car wreck so I went to walmart instead of going to a feed and grain where u can get good food for your dog. Any way I did the transition like u usually would by giving them a small amount of the new food everyday for a week so it is easier on them. Any way 3 days into giving them a very small amount of mixed food they both started having a bad case of diarrhea. Then shortly after they both started to throw up every day and started eating grass everyday and sometimes almost everytime when they went outside they would eat grass and throw up and now my dogs don't hardly play anymore like they use to all the time because they was happy and felt good. Now they just mope around and also now they only eat every other day unlike they use to eat 2 times a day. They have gone as long as 2 days not wanting to eat this so called good dog food, not, lmao.

At this time I am pissed. My female is due to have pups soon. Usually in the past if I had a female that was due to have pups she would go to the vet and get a checkup and also get vitamins to help her before the pups come but I am concerned the pups will have problems because I also made the mistake of buying this ** dog food. All my mistake. Now that I have done my homework on this dog food like I should have in the first place, I worry about them all the time now. It is crazy to think this company that makes this dog food for the china / American company can get away with this and still be allowed to sell it. I also did not know it is preserved with some crap that gives people and dogs cancer, aaaaaaaaa what the ** do you do when your dogs u love r at risk and there is nothing I feel I can do or is there? Am I looking at this all wrong? What can I do? Can anybody help me? Is there any kind of company that can help since I was in a wreck and cant work, cant give them the food they deserve.

I thought about letting them go to a new home since I feel I can't do anything until I get better and get my settlement from my pain and suffering and all that but it is unfair to think that my babies may have to leave. My male dog has dealt with anxiety ever since I can remember. He gets so upset when I leave his sight, he always wants to be by my side and I see that, use to tear things up, like kennels and walls trying to get out and find me. I found all this out the hard way but I still love him and would not change a thing. He just loves me to death and always wants me around. When I am around he is happy, in many ways he has got better and the anxiety I think is easier with him because I tried helping him understand that I will be back in just a little while.

Anyway as a dog lover y'all understand what I mean. I love him and her more than anything but as a human I make many mistakes and don't think when I should and now my baby's have to pay for it, some of it is because the neglect of a careless driver hitting me on the highway smashing my truck and me up very badly, oh and sorry I really can't spell but I know y'all can understand. Can anybody help with me? Needing better dog food for my baby's. I get my settlement in a month or 2 at most. I am willing to do what it takes to insure that any help offered will be give back. I will sign any promissory notes, whatever it takes. Please help my email is **. If u have any info, advise or offer help, please take some time and do what u can. I will call any long distance number or whatever makes you feel better about helping, whatever it takes, I will allow a lien to be signed against my settlement. I offer my lawyers contact info so u know I am telling the truth **. Please the star between my email is in hopes this reaches others because of the guidelines set in order to write this review.


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