Friday, December 19, 2014

Vanguard™ Lockers

Vanguard™ Lockers

Penco's Vanguard range of steel lockers have become the industry standard for schools, hospitals and employees in a variety of industries

Penco has been building lockers for decades that last for decades, and the Vanguard line is the embodiment of what it takes to withstand the daily use typically given to a locker.What you see first is the baked powdercoat enamel finish, which is applied over a phosphatized smooth steel surface.

Accommodates twice as many people as single tier lockers in the same floor space, while still providing enough room for light outer wear and personal belongings.

1.03.A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 33 00.

1.03.B. Manufacturer's data sheets on each product to be used, including:

1.03.B.1 Preparation instructions and recommendations.

1.03.B.2 Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.

1.03.B.3 Installation methods.

1.03.C Shop Drawings: Show the following:

1.03.C.1 Dimensioned drawings including plans, elevations, and sections to show locker locations and interfaces with adjacent substrates.

1.03.D Selection Samples: For each finish product specified, two complete sets of color chips representing manufacturer's full range of available colors and finishes.


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