The umbilical cord transported nutrients from you to your baby throughout your pregnancy. Now he or she has a purplish-blue stump that is about a half inch to an inch long. It will take some time (approximately 1-2 weeks) before the stump dries up and falls off. It will take a little care and attention to ensure that both infection and irritation are avoided.
How do I Care for my Baby’s Umbilical Cord?- Keep the area clean. Pediatricians used to recommend cleaning the base of the cord with rubbing alcohol. However, most now recommend leaving the stump completely alone because alcohol is believed to irritate the skin and sometimes delays healing. Other alternative methods in caring for your baby’s cord include the use of Goldenseal Root and Echinacea. It is best to consult your child’s pediatrician for his/her recommendation.
- Keep the area dry. Allow the cord to be exposed to air as often as possible. This allows the base of the cord to dry and will decrease the amount of time that is required for healing to occur. Using newborn diapers that have a special cut out or folding your baby’s diaper down will help keep the cord from being irritated. If weather permits, dress your baby in just a t-shirt and diaper to allow more time for the cord to dry out.
- Only give sponge baths. Do not bathe your baby in a sink or special tub until after the umbilical cord has fallen off. If your baby does take a bath, make sure to fan the area to dry it completely. You do not want to rub it dry as this could cause irritation.
- Allow the cord to heal naturally. It may be tempting to “help” the cord dry out and fall off especially if it appears to be hanging on by a thread, but it is best to allow this to happen naturally. Refrain from picking and pulling the cord off.
- Base of the cord appears red or swollen
- Continues to bleed
- Oozes yellowish or white pus
- Produces a foul smelling discharge
- Seems painful to your baby
Signs of infection of the umbilical cord stump can result in omphalitis ( a life threatening infection of the umbilical cord). This is considered a serious condition and needs to be treated immediately.
When Should I call my Baby’s Pediatrician?- If there are signs of infection
- If the cord is actively bleeding–,This normally occurs if the cord is pulled off prematurely. Active bleeding is defined as when a drop of blood is wiped away, another drop appears.
An umbilical granuloma is a small nodule of firm pinkish-red tissue (similar to scar tissue) with persistent yellow-green drainage. This is different than an infection because it is not accompanied by swelling, redness, warmth, tenderness, or a fever. This is most often treated by cauterization which is done by applying silver nitrate to the area, which burns the tissue. There are no nerve endings in the area, so it is not painful. Liquid nitrogen can also be used to freeze the area. A surgical thread can be tied around the base of the granuloma, which causes it to die and fall off.
Can I ensure that my baby has an “innie”?
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