Tuesday, December 2, 2014

TD Jakes Sermons

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Roger Culwell

November 23, 2014 at 1:30 pm

July 8, 2011 at 7:29 am

Oh, Dr. Jakes, I am coming out head first. I am so ready to go forward with Gods blessings. My Husband laid off for over two years. The financial struggles, the overwhelmly frustration, fear, worry, and feeling like we were head down: Head first: I know that I am Gods, I know that he knew me before I was put in my mother’,s womb. I know that it is God that will give my husband a job that will be more than ten dollars a hr. I know It is not Gods will for us to perish. I know that God alone is going to bring us through this economical crisis. A man cannot pay a house payment, gas &, electic, phone, car payments, food and gas, cannot live on ten dollars a hour. My hope is in the Lord. I am trusting in the lord with all my understanding, I am acknowledging him in all my ways and I know he wil direct our paths.

I desire your prayers and agreement in the Name Of Jesus that John will be blessed with a the Best job, making the most money. That our store house will be overflowing…, That my tears will be turned into joy, and my ashes will be turned into beauty.

God Bless. Noelle Widmyer


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