Though it's easy to launch a Paulownia tree on its way to growth--simply plant it and add water--you've got to remember that this is not a tree you can just forget about: It will die if not given regular attention. Once a Paulownia is planted, you must water the tree on a frequent basis for the first eight to ten weeks and fertilize the ground twice a year.
WateringPaulownia is a type of tree that prefers to be left to dry out after being watered before 'drinking' again. So, you should be careful not to over-water the tree.
Size MattersYou might want a tree that grows quickly, but what some people find with a Paulownia is that it grows bigger than they had expected and required. A Paulownia can reach heights of between 60 and 80 feet in around five years, which means that the tree---and the shade it produces---might eventually be too large for your garden. One method of limiting this growth would be by pruning off the tree's lower-lying branches.
Weak BranchesThe Paulownia has larger leaves than the average tree, while its branches are not terribly strong. This means that natural environmental factors--for example, powerful winds--can damage the Paulownia's branches. The branches might break and fall into nearby buildings or cars, or at best simply accumulate under the tree, which can look unsightly.
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