Monday, December 15, 2014

Ninja VS NutriBullet

Ninja VS NutriBullet

Ninja Blender                                                        Nutri Bullet

Most blender companies will align themselves with or against a competitor. Ninja. for example, has it out for Vitamix. Constantly comparing their Ninja Ultima to the Vitamix Professional Series, you’d think they had a bad breakup or something.

But that’s old news. Let’s instead look to a different adversary, one that might not be compared to the Ninja blender so often—the NutriBullet


You’re bound to run into some heavy, power hitters in the blender world. The Ninja Ultima is one of said blenders. At 1500 Watts—2.5 peak horsepower—this baby towers over its competition, which is hilariously outgunned at just 600 Watts.


While putting food in a compartment and pushing down on the cup to engage the extracting process doesn’t exactly sound like AP Calculus, compared to pressing a speed button, it’s certainly not 1 st grade math either.

The point goes to the Ultima.


Both of these blenders offer a simple cleanup. Neither offers the simplest, but designs that are made dishwasher safe aren’t all that bad.


The Ninja Ultima doubles the power of the NutriBullet. It offers an easier process. And its cleanup, boys and girls, is just as simple as that of its competitor.

Now, keeping all of this in mind, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the Ultima’s price is substantially higher as well. At $199.99, it costs almost twice as much as the NutriBullet ($119.94). However, being that it’s the first and only product on the market to offer Dual Stage Blending. which crushes and liquefies ingredients in mere moments, $200 is still a bargain.


Ninja goes to some lengths (I won’t say incredibly far ones, but “lengths” is appropriate) to give you some options—namely, 5—to choose from. There’s the Ninja Ultima blender, the Kitchen System, then there’s the Ultima+, the Ultima+, and the Ultima+. The company’s naming ineffectiveness aside, these models come with variable speeds, cups, lids, and accessories.

Conversely, NutriBullet only knows how to shake things up with some accessories. You’ve got your nutritious formulas and powders, some extra cup and blade offers, and more berries than you can shake a banana at. Saw how I kept it in the fruity family?

Anyway, related items are nice and all, but if you’re trying to get my attention, variety is won by those who actually have some. *Cough, cough* Ninja! *cough, cough*


You might be worried that your blender of choice will break next year, maybe the year after that, and not only can’t you see in the future, but perhaps you have a penchant for clumsiness. Well, if this turns out to be the case, you may be better suited to look elsewhere. Completely.

Both of these only feature 1-year warranties. So while I won’t say to avoid the NutriBullet or Ninja Ultima, I will remind you to be extremely, extraordinarily careful.

This Is Best?

So what if their price is higher?

That’s what I have to say to anyone with reservations about buying the Ninja Ultima. Now you’ve seen that they’ve got an unusual power underneath the hood, some variety, and they’re very easy to use. I think it outweighs the cost, especially since you’ll find that other models with similar specs will run you more than twice as much.


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