Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Learn more about this healthy whole grain What is freekeh?

In short, freekeh is wheat, nothing else. That's it. Well, there's a bit more. Freekeh is young green wheat that has been toasted and cracked. It's a healthy whole grain food, much like bulgur wheat and other whole grains.

Although freekeh has been around for centuries, its recent resurgence can be traced back to an Oprah segment in which freekeh was featured in 2010. Freekeh is part of the ",ancient grain", food and health trend that also includes quinoa. You might occasionally see freekeh called farik or even frik.

Why should I eat freekeh? Where to find freekeh?

My local Whole Foods stocks cracked freekeh along with the other packaged whole grains, but not in bulk - yet! Wegman's and many smaller co-ops and organic grocers stock this grain as well. Freekeh importers have store locators on their website. Here's one. and of course, it's widely available online. It also comes pre-flavored in tamari or rosemary sage flavor. If you've got a local Middle Eastern grocer. they might also stock an imported brand.

Cooking with freekeh

Like bulgur wheat, freekeh is a whole grain, but is usually sold cracked which increases its usability, since cooking time is reduced, but doesn't change it's nutritional content. Cracked or not, freekeh is a healthy whole grain. Whole freekeh (uncracked) takes about 45-50 minutes to simmer, while the cracked variety takes about 15-20 minutes to soften.

To prepare freekeh, you'll want a little bit more than a 2:1 ratio of liquid to freekeh, so about 2 1/2 cups of water or vegetable broth for every cup of freekeh. Simmer freekeh, covered, for 15-20 minutes. When the liquid is absorbed and the grains are soft, they're ready to be used. Like pasta, some people prefer to cook freekeh in salted water with a bit of oil, but this is a personal preference.

If you're already used to cooking with whole grains, then you'll have plenty of ideas for using freekeh, from whole grain salads, to pilafs, stir-fries, risottos, tabboulis and soups. If you can do it with rice, you can probably do it with freekeh. Freekeh sushi. anyone?

Freekeh nutritional information

With less than a gram of fat per serving, freekeh is a low-fat and nearly fat-free food, and, of course, it's vegetarian and vegan. though since it's wheat, it's not gluten-free. A serving of freekeh (one-fourth cup, raw) contains a healthy 8 grams of protein. less than 130 calories, and 4 grams of fiber. Vegetarians and vegans should note that freekeh also contains plenty of zinc. if that's one of your concerns. And ladies, it's also high in iron.



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