Wednesday, December 24, 2014

College of International Esthetics, Inc.

Recommended Reviews

I am a fan, there are always positive and negatives about going into a school environment.  First the negative, the esthetics of the environment aren',t as cozy as a expensive spa (decreasing the cost by LOTS) and the people giving the treatments are students (decreasing the cost by LOTS)  Now the positives, the costs of the treatment is minimal and eventually if you continue to go you get to know the people there and they become like family and it becomes a real health and beauty routine.  I take my teenage son to assist with his acne and normal teenage facial issues, he actually likes it because it isn',t so intimidating.  I like it because it doesn',t cost me a mortgage payment to upkeep our facial issues.  So, if you go in, say directly to Eddie (if your there during the day) Tiffanie, ( I believe is at night) and tell them Jennifer sent you.  They offer all sorts of stuff at such a discounted rate that even if the treatment falls below par, that is how it works with students, but say something and I suspect that is how they learn and even possibly they will accommodate you by offering you the treatment again.  I don',t know for sure how that works, but unless you let them know you weren',t exactly pleased they will never know and the student doesn',t learn. )

First to Review

I can',t really complain since I used a Living Social coupon and my European facial was $14 and I bought a microderm for my boyfriend for $25. We got what we paid for.


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