Thursday, December 18, 2014

Clean My PC

Cleanmypc Registry, Top Five Dos &, Don’,ts

This Software Cleans My PC & Speed It Up. Saves Me Lots Of Headache Really. But Please, Don't Take My Word For It. Click Here To Download For Free & Experience It Yourself.

You might be wondering what can be the problem if I want to cleanmypc registry on my own? Well, if you accidentally mess up your registry while trying to clean your computer you can practically paralyze your Windows operating system. It’,s no joke. So let me give you five tips that will save you some headache. I clean my pc regularly to ensure my clean pc stays clean.

1. Most important, before you start to do anything with your pc registry, make sure you perform backup. Seriously, or else you are bound to be hit by disaster one of these days. With backup, if for some reason something went wrong during the computer registry cleaning process, you can still reload your backup with no loss to previous system data.

2. Most software programs have nice wizard intended to make your life easier. Normally for most of them you can just click next till the whole process is complete. But you really want to avoid that for registry cleaning software. Read and choose the options properly before clicking the next button.

3. Before you start your registry cleaning software, backup your registry by using ERUNT (The Emergency Recovery Utility NT). Now some might think this is redundant since most registry cleaning software have registry backup capability. It is still a good thing to do for extra protection. You really would not know when your nice registry cleaning software might accidentally mess up its backup process.

4. If possible avoid running any other applications while you are doing registry scanning. It is also a good idea to close any applications running in the system tray. Reason is applications are constantly making changes to registry. You would not want to have them interfere with your registry cleaning process.

5. Once the scanning is completed, then I can cleanmypc. Normally the registry cleaning software will either let you remove or if possible repair the registry error. Now you should try to repair as much as possible if the option is given rather than outright remove.

One final consideration, make sure you choose a good and reliable registry cleaning software. Of course ease of use and fast processing will make your life easier. OK I am off to clean my PC .

p/s: If you like this post, please click the “,Like”, button below because it is simply great to share good stuff &, I’,ll appreciate it a lot. Cheers.

Clean My PC For Free –, One Way To Do It

Clean my PC for free, I’,ll show you how I did it. But first let’,s understand why I need to clean my PC in the first place.

I am just like most PC users, so certainly softwares that come with MS-Windows are not enough to accommodate a lot of the thing I want to do through my PC. Sure MS-Windows comes with a lot of useful softwares like the MS-Office suite but especially for the fun stuffs I definitely need much better software to meet what I really want to achieve.

So I start installing many software programs, ready to use in my PC. Unfortunately that also means my PC gets bloated and slows down as a consequence. Before long my hard disk is full, my Windows system registry gets too big, both of which are recipes to slow down my PC. So after some time, I have little choice but to do some PC clean up, clean up the “,mess”, firstly by uninstalling those software programs that I no longer use. Good news is most software applications do come with their own uninstall program to make life easy for me.

Unfortunately not all of these software programs will have smooth uninstall process. Especially those older software programs tend to have errors during uninstallation. Sometimes it is just one of those computer errors I encounter in the middle of uninstall process that causes the uninstall to be incomplete. I will then end up with the software being still listed in the software list in Windows control panel although the software program files have been removed.

So what can I do then? I certainly would not want to bring my PC all the way to computer shop just to get rid of this error. Won’,t be worth my money and time, wouldn’,t you agree? But still this error is eating up space in my PC and I wouldn’,t want that to add trouble to my bloated PC hard disk right? Well this is how I clean my PC for free without needing to hire a PC technician to do it for me.

  • I click Windows Start menu and select “,Run”,.
  • In the “,Run”, dialog box, I type “,regedit”, and then click “,OK”,.
  • This will fire up Windows Registry Editor. I then locate the following key in the editor: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • I open the key and search for the software name in the subkeys.
  • Then I right-click the software key, and select “,Delete”, in the popup menu. If I encounter keys with only hexadecimal values surrounded by the “,curly”, brackets aka <>, I’,ll check the value of DisplayName under the key to help me identify the software.
  • I then click “,Yes”, to confirm the delete process.
  • Finally I close the Registry Editor and select “,Exit”, from File menu.

You can do the same to clean your computer for free from uninstall errors. It is vitally important for you to make sure you only delete software keys that you have uninstall either using the uninstall software that comes with the software itself or through the control panel. Once you delete the software keys using registry editor, you won’,t be able to uninstall the particular software program from the control panel anymore. So anytime you are in doubt, just try to uninstall the software program through control panel first before you proceed with using Registry Editor.

It is crucial that you are comfortable doing this and are confident you can follow through the steps exactly. One single mistake in editing or deleting windows registry entries can cause system boot up problem for your PC. If you are not comfortable doing this, not to worry as there are software available that will do all these for you automatically.

Most of us would not want to mess around with the technical mumbo jumbo stuff. Well, neither do I when I don’,t have to. I mainly use this PC clean up software to clean my PC for free. repair PC errors and speed up my PC. Makes life just much easier for me. Make no mistake, this will not be cure for all PC problems. No software can do that, as we all know, especially if the problem is in PC hardware. However this software really works well for me to clean my PC for free and avoid having to shell out money to hire PC technician. Solves lots of my headache with software issues. Click here to download and use it for your own PC.

p/s: If you like this post, please click the “Like” button below because it is simply great to share good stuff &, I’ll appreciate it a lot. Cheers.

Why Do I Need To Clean My PC Registry?

There comes a time in every computers life when things start to slow down. They begin to show wear and tear and things do not seem to work as well as they once did. There is a quick and easy way to fix what ails your computer that will return things to where they should be and turn back the hands of virtual time. Wonder Why Do I Need To Clean My PC Registry?

You have probably heard about many of the programs that are available online and in stores for purchase that will clean your registry. Make sure you are thorough in your investigation of any product before you download or install it on your computer. The very last thing you need right now is an unreliable program to bring everything crashing down.

Why is your computer slow? Why are you having multiple errors increasingly that come up on your screen and interrupt what you are doing, causing you to lose time and work? Corrupt files and entries into your system registry can cause a plethora of issues that will make you anything but happy to deal with your computer. Before you kick it or throw it out the window or throw your hands up in the air and walk away, realize these things can be fixed.

It may not seem like it, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. All you need to do is run a good registry scan and repair program and before you know it, your system will be back to smooth sailing. No more pop ups with error messages, no more system freeze ups for no apparent reason and you will even get plenty of speed back. Not only can you increase the speed of your programs while they run if you have noticed that they are sluggish but you will also increase boot up speed.

You may be witnessing issues with add-ons and programs that are of vital importance to your job or personal life. If you are tired of having a great computer that was once capable of lighting fast speeds that is now trudging along at a snails pace, you owe it to yourself and your fine piece of electronics to scan and clean your registry .

Get the life back in your system. There is no need to go and purchase a new system most of the time. Run one of these programs and find out exactly what is causing the problems and in no time at all, get all of the problems repaired!

I Have Scheduled To Clean My Computer PC Registry Regularly

I’,ve been told that I need to clean my computer registry regularly. At first, this seems like a lot of work. But then again, I wouldn’,t want my computer to mess up. It really is frustrating to see my PC slowing down as time goes by. That certainly waste a lot of my time as I do quite a bit of work on my PC.

Computers are such a blessing. I cannot imagine my life without them as I am sure you could not, either. We rely so heavily upon computers these days that I do not think that most businesses or individuals could survive without them. When there is something wrong with your computer, it is almost as though your world stops on its axis.

When your computer is acting sluggish, is not responding correctly to commands, freezing up in the middle of applications or giving you frequent error messages, you probably have a smaller problem than you may think. When these issues come up people frequently think that they need a new computer. With a quick scan, you can find out what is going on.

More often than not, when you are having these issues, it is because you have registry errors. Your system registry stores all of the important information about your computer that keeps it running. When you get corrupt registry paths and other information gets added to it, it can become a major drain on your system.

You get registry errors from instances like trying to download a new application, program or plug in that does not finish downloading correctly. There are all sorts of bugs and viruses that will go in and attack your registry, as well. Over time, these little issues start piling up and become a major problem for your computer. That is why it is important to do regular scanning and cleaning of your computer registry.

When you scan your registry and have the incorrect entries removed, you will notice that the error messages will stop, the sluggishness during running applications will disappear and you will not freeze up like you probably have been. Your boot up time will also improve, sometimes up to seventy percent.

Yes, now I know that I need to clean my computer registry regularly. I have set it up. With the help of good registry cleaning software, it is easy to keep your computer clean.

This Software Clean My PC Registry Easily &, Speed Up My PC

Have you ever noticed that your computer is nowhere near as fast as it was when you first got it? Your super machine is now looking not so hot and you may be getting lots of system errors in addition to not having any speed on your system. If you are having these problems, you need to get this software. It will clean up your PC thoroughly and completely, repair the system registry and can increase start up time up to seventy percent. I did not know that I could use this software to Clean My PC Registry Easily &, Speed Up My PC and have no more problems.

Registry errors can occur because of several reasons. One is something that happens to all of us, quite frequently, much more so than we care for. You know how sometimes, you will begin a download and for some reason, it simply stops? Your system may lock up, you need to reboot and most of the time you will probably have to go back to the download page of the site you are loading from and start over.

What happened to the pieces of information that were being sent to your computer before the freeze up? They have caused your registry problems and now you may have lost speed. This happens so frequently and the problems add up quickly. It is no wonder computers are going so slow these days!

There is no need to buy a new computer if you only have system registry errors. These can be repaired but need to be taken care of by a professional. Let this software program serve as your personal I/T professional. There are so many programs out there but none of them stand up to this software.

With this program, you can scan your entire registry and repair corrupted files and registry paths. It will remove all of the things that are currently clogging up your system and causing you problems like system errors, sluggish speeds while running as well as when you are booting up. You can say goodbye to Startup errors, System32 errors, Active X errors, DLL errors and much more.

This software is fast and efficient and hands down the best product on the market today to clean up your system and restore it to its former glory. You owe it to yourself to remove all of the junk and get back to a smooth running machine. Find out what is clogging up your system today and get it repaired today. No need to throw your trusted system out, simply clean it with this brilliant software !

Clean My Computer PC Easily And Fast

So I was looking for a way that I could clean my computer easily and fast. Previously, I really did not know much about what to do or why I even needed to clean my computer, to be honest. I like to find out as much as I can about something before I make a move, so I sat down and did some research. I really like to clean my PC for good. Here are some things that you should be looking for that may be warning signs that your computer needs to be scanned and have its registry cleaned:

Slow boot up time. This means that it takes a long time when you first computer on, to get your applications pulled up. It can be a real annoyance.

Slow moving applications. When the programs that you are accustomed to running start slowing down, it can be quite taxing, whether you are running them for work or for personal reasons. They can lock up and things like downloading or uploading files and attachments can become tedious.

Error messages that pop up. You may or may not be able to close the messages out and continue to run the program that you were working in when this happens. Nine times out of ten, you will not be able to.

Active X errors may occur that will make it impossible to run the add ons. You will not be able to play in the games you normally do and will not be able to use many additional plug ins that you have loaded because of this.

DLL errors may pop up a lot. This is an annoyance more than anything and most of us would really prefer to just get our jobs done than keep closing out and starting over, understandably.

Once all of the registry errors are cleaned, you will be astonished at how quickly your computer is back up and running. When you run the scan, it instantly detects everything that is out of place within your system. Within two minutes, you can have your entire computer scanned and the errors that are within the registry corrected.

I needed to clean my computer easily and fast and I am happy to say that my computer is back to what it was the day that I bought it. It boots up quickly, I do not encounter any of the agitating errors or system lockups that were plaguing me daily and my applications run lightning fast and smooth. Your computer can be fixed. Just as I clean my PC you can surely do the same. Run the scan and have the problems fixed today!

How To Clean My PC Registry Manually

If you have been experiencing issues with your computer system lately, there may not be cause for alarm. There is a good chance that you simply need to clean your system registry and you will be back up and running like nothing ever happened before you know it. If you have been asking the question “,how to clean my PC registry manually?”,, good news, I have some tips for you.

You can take care of registry errors fairly quickly and easily. You should consider getting software to do the job for you but if you wish to do it on your own, here is what you should do. If you do not consider yourself very computer savvy, it would probably be a good idea to let someone else or a program that you download do this work for you. It is easy to make mistakes if you do not know what you are doing. You could cause worse and permanent damage to your computer if you remove the wrong lines of information from the system registry.

Follow this process to do clean your registry manually-

Go to your desktop and click on Start. From here, go to Run.

Once this opens up, type in regedit in the space provided and click OK.

Note, it is very important for you to keep a copy of your registry before you make any changes to it. This will help safeguard against long last troubles if you accidentally remove something that you should not from your system registry.

Go to the File menu on your toolbar. Click on Export. From here, save the file to backup of your registry under whatever name you desire.

After you typed in regedit and clicked OK, you will have gone to a registry editing window. Once you are here, Click on the plus sign so that you can expand the registry editing window. If you are going to make any changes, it is more than likely that you will be doing so in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE area.

Make all necessary changes or deletions. If you are merely trying to remove old programs, you can do so under the software section of the registry editor. If you are making changes to anything else, make sure that you are thoroughly versed in what you are looking for, what needs to be removed and what the entries should look like once you are fixed.

Now you know how to clean my PC registry manually and you can get your system up and moving as fast as it is supposed to again. You will also wipe out errors you have been getting if there are corrupt paths in your system registry.



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