Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Antihistamine for hives

5 Best Antihistamines For Hives

If you are suffering from pain and itching due to hives, you may be looking for the 5 best antihistamines for hives. The antihistamines on this list include both over-the-counter medications and medications that have to be prescribed by your doctor. Yet, they all have one thing in common: they can help relieve your itching.

  1. Benadryl. Benadryl can be bought both as an over-the-counter medication and as a prescription medication. It is also known as diphenhydramine. Many physicians and allergy suffers may tell you that this is the number-one antihistamine when it comes to relieving hives. One good thing about Benadryl is that you will not build up a tolerance to it. This means that you can take it over and over again and it will continue to help you. One major side effect of Benadryl is the fact that it can cause sleepiness in most people.
  2. Zyrtec. Zyrtec is a well-known antihistamine. Zyrtec is one of the newer antihistamines that can now be bought without a prescription. It is good for many indoor and outdoor allergies and can help with the treatment of hives. It is also known by the name of Cetirizine.
  3. Atarax. Atarax is also known as Hydroxyzine. It is a prescription antihistamine that will generally begin working in thirty minutes and will continue working for four to six hours. It comes in tablet, capsule and syrup form.
  4. Periactin. Periactin is an older antihistamine that is also known as Cyproheptadine. It can only be gotten through a prescription. It can be used for a number of allergy symptoms, including hives. However, it should not be used if one has the eye disease glaucoma.
  5. Clarinex. Clarinex is one of the newer antihistamines on the market. It has to be gotten through a prescription and is also known as Desloratadine. Clarinex can be used for many allergy symptoms, including hives. However, it shouldn&rsquo,t be taken if you know you are allergic to Loratadine.
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