Wednesday, December 10, 2014

36 Paracord Projects For Preppers

36 Paracord Projects For Preppers

Want to know how to make cool paracord projects?

We picked 36 of our favorites for you to try out. Our selections offer everything from traps to whips to weapons, and even a keychain with a secret hidden compartment that makes a super tiny survival kit.

Paracord Projects | Uses

Parachute cord. which is now universally known as paracord. is a lightweight nylon all purpose utility cord that is used by military personnel and civilians alike.

Paracord is an ideal material for lots of different types of projects due to its durability and flexibility. The uses of paracord as a tool in a survival setting are countless.

You are likely familiar with the ever popular “,survival bracelets” made from paracord, which are meant to be unraveled when needed to lash poles together, to fix broken laces and straps and to secure cargo.

Did you know there are also 100’,s of other great paracord projects you can also make? Paracord makes an excellent material for stylish bracelets, lanyards, pouches, watches, belts, dog collars, whips and more.

First things first: Paracord 101

You have to make sure you know what you’,re working with and have the right supplies. If you really want to get into paraweaving, you should check out Paracord 101  before you start on your projects. With that, you should be all set to delve into these 36 paracord projects for preppers.

Here are 36 Paracord Projects for Preppers: 1. Paracord Belt

Keep your paracord close to you with this versatile, functional DIY. Everyone can use a belt and everyone should keep paracord on them! This tutorial shows you how to make a DIY paracord rescue belt, my favorite of all the paracord belts I tried.  Paracord bracelets can come in handy but only have 8-12 feet of rope, while a paracord belt can have up to 50 feet or more of rope.

In extreme situations, 50 feet of rope would be a lot more use for you than 8-12 feet. However, this paracord belt gives you at least 50 feet of rope that is quickly accessible, and depending on your waist size, up to 100 ft. This belt is a quick deploy survival rescue belt that uses Slatt’s rescue weave. You can unravel, or deploy, the paracord in a matter of seconds.

2. Paracord Keychain  with Secret Compartment

There are a lot of different ways to make these guys, but the one we like the best is this survival kit keychain from DIY Ready. You can store money, matches, any small essential survival items you can think of in this cool keychain with a secret compartment.

Here’,s how to make a paracord keychain …,

3. Paracord Bullwhip

These instructions will help you make a bullwhip entirely out of paracord. It should not be that hard for those of you who know their way through ropes, knots and braiding. I wouldn’,t recommend this as a beginner project though.

It involves careful and regular braiding of up to 12 strands a bit over 12 feet long, which can be a bit messy or frustrating if you’,re not familiar with manipulating such lengths of cord. You will also need to know ( or be willing to learn) some ‘,advanced’, knots to make it look nice.

For more information, click here .

4. Paracord Rifle Sling

Another sling to keep your weapons close by without taking up your hands. This is perfect for any hunter or outdoorsman.   Make your own with these instructions.

5. Paracord Giant Monkey Fist

Why make a regular monkey fist when you can make a giant one! This DIY using a pool ball core will give you the ultimate monkey fist to use for your self defense. A paracord monkey fist is beneficial to carry on you for survival and self defense purposes. It’s super easy to conceal and carries enough power to slow down any attacker. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make a paracord monkey fist using a pool ball! This giant monkey fist weighs in at a hefty 6 ounces!

Here’,s how to make a paracord monkey fist …,

6. Paracord Bundle Compression Strap and Handle

This is a very handy tool. It’,s simple, but it will keep your sleeping bag, tarps, and other large items bundled up tight and easy to carry.   It can get frustrating carrying soft items like blankets or clothes to a camp ground. I designed this super easy to make strap to carry blankets, however, it can also be used to carry other items like bundled wood which makes it incredibly useful. The Design is super simple and does not require many tools or materials. I used two colors to make this, but you could of course use one if you prefer. I am using this for camping so I made sure to choose darker color paracord to ensure that it will not show how dirty it will get after extended use. For the full instructions, click here .

7. Paracord Snow Shoes

You never know what kind of conditions you’,ll have to be prepared for. Check out these instructions to learn how to make your very own paracord snow shoes. This is a traditional style snow shoe with paracord for the webbing. The intention was to give a modern twist to classic style that almost everyone is familiar with. This tutorial includes a step by step for the frame and also shows you the basic weaving for the net. For the full DIY, click here .

8. Quick Deploy Paracord Bracelet

There are so many ways to make paracord survival bracelets. Here’,s our favorite version: The Blaze Bar. The blaze bar paracord survival bracelet unravels in seconds:

9. Paracord Survival Tin Pouch

Keep your Altoid Tin Survival Kit  in this pouch to keep it protected and yourself prepared! Throughout this Instructable, I will be showing you guys how to make a pouchout of paracord. This particular pouch is made to fit an Altoids tin. For many outdoorsman or survivalists, Altoid tins are the perfect containers for a small, pocket survival tin. I like using the pouch for my survival tin so I can pack more stuff into the tin and not worry about it popping open. Full instructions

10. Paracord Watchband

Add some survival to your daily wardrobe by  creating watchbands for a pre-existing watch face. Choose different colors to make different looks! This is a super project if you want to  make something unique and also functional.   You can make either a solid color watchband or one with two colors. You can also follow the same steps in this tutorial to make a bracelet with a side release buckle.


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