Thursday, December 18, 2014

What Is Uba Tuba Granite?

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Origins of Uba Tuba

Uba Tuba granite is quarried in Brazil. Like other granites, Uba Tuba is an igneous rock, composed mostly of quartz and mica. The quarry in Brazil that produces Uba Tuba is extremely large, shipping the stone in tremendous blocks around the world for tile and countertop use.

(Tim Schlabach/Demand Media)

Colors of Uba Tuba

Uba Tuba granite, like any natural stone, can have huge amounts of variation in color. Uba Tuba has been described by fabricators as being black, green and even brown.

Uba Tuba is a primarily dark green granite made up of flecks of lighter green, black, gold, brown, white and even turquoise blue. Uba Tuba's color can vary from slab to slab and even within one slab. The stone may appear lighter, darker and with more or less of various colors in its makeup, depending on which section of the quarry it was taken from.



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