Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Weed Whacker Review

Why Use a Gas-powered Weed Whacker?

Ice-cold lemonade, suntans and flip-flops are among the best parts of summer. But the longer, warmer days aren't entirely carefree, there are inescapable obligations as well. There are lawns to be mowed, gardens to tend and, perhaps worst of all, cunning weeds that seem to materialize out of thin air. By purchasing a powerful gas weed whacker, you can make nasty weeds disappear.

Having the right grass trimmer can make the difference between a manicured lawn and a wilderness. Our top picks &ndash, the Craftsman Weedwacker. the Husqvarna Trimmer and the Troy-Bilt Trimmer &ndash, are excellent examples of what the best gas trimmers have to offer. To find the perfect yard trimmer for your needs and for more information regarding string trimmers, see our articles about weed whackers .


Weed Whackers: What to Look For

Any lawn care veteran will tell you the importance of a balanced weed whacker &ndash, one that's easy to start but safe enough for the 14-year-old neighbor kid to use. You want a weed eater that can reach all the places your mower can't, but won't damage the trees and shrubs on your property. For some yards, the best string trimmers are those that can hack through almost anything. For smaller lots, lighter and less expensive models will do the trick.

Choose the right weed whacker by taking stock of your yard. Are there places that are impractical for lawn mowers, such as near fences, trees or under patios? Our weed whacker reviews cover models that are strong but can also maneuver into tight places. Cutting width and fuel-tank capacity also affect the performance of your string trimmer.

When it comes to engines, you have two options: two-cycle or four-cycle. The best gas trimmers use a four-cycle engine that starts easily, produces minimal noise and uses regular gasoline. Two-cycle engines are easier to repair and are usually lighter, but they require a mixed fuel of oil and gasoline. An engine's displacement, measured in cubic centimeters, determines the torque, power and speed of the gas trimmer.

Look for weed whackers with solutions to the common problems of difficult starting mechanisms and complicated line replacement. The best string trimmers have tool-free line replacement, easy-start springs and debris shields large enough to keep the waste from flying on you. An anti-vibration feature can reduce muscle strain and make a line trimmer easier to use.


The best weed whackers accept multiple accessories. Common accessories that complement gas weed trimmers are shoulder straps, pole saws, edgers, cultivators, blowers and power sweepers. Many string trimmers are also compatible with steel blades for trimming heavy brush and thorny thistles. In this category, we have a list that shows which accessories work with each trimmer.

Even though most manufacturers make attachments, many of these trimmers are universal and work with a multitude of brands. Check with the manufacturer or in the manual before using universal attachments so you don't use the wrong type or accidentally void your warranty. If you want attachments with your new trimmer, plan to spend additional money.

Help &, Support

Weed whackers are full of tiny moving parts, so even the best models are bound to break down now and again. Therefore, help and support options are vital to your purchase. Look for string trimmer models with a system of service centers, phone and email support, warranties, replacement parts and online manuals. Knowing your support options before you buy helps you know what to expect if your weed whipper breaks.

There's bound to be a model that fits your needs among the best weed eaters in our reviews. The right gas trimmer will chop quickly and evenly so you never again have to sacrifice your weekend to yard work. Find your perfect weed whacker and finish your outdoor chores early so you can fully enjoy the things that make summer great.


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