For more than 52 years, physicians have recommended Colace ®, for the treatment of occasional constipation (irregularity).
The active ingredient in Colace &ndash, docusate sodium &ndash, is not a stimulant but a stool softener laxative that allows water and fats to enter the stool, which helps hydrate and soften the stool, making natural defecation more comfortable.
For more information about constipation and Colace Capsules, visit: .
Visit for a wealth of gastrointestinal information on constipation and resources from personal stories to tips for maintaining optimal bowel health.
Unless directed by your physician, do not use any laxative product when abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting are present. Laxative products should not be used for a period longer than one week unless directed by your doctor.
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