iContact is more than a one-stop shop for email and social media marketing features, we're also your go-to for email marketing services. We call them our Premier Services because they're exactly that&mdash,services that help you get to the top. You can perfect your online marketing strategy with the help of our strategic advisors, take advantage of our large-sender services, or turn to our Design Services Team to tackle your email design projects, large and small.
Large SendersWhen you sign up for our advisory services, you get a marketing expert in your corner. Your dedicated strategic advisor researches your competitors and industry, sets you up with a marketing plan and educational resources, and digs deep into your message analytics. Our Advisory Services Team meets daily to brainstorm ways to boost your results, so you benefit from the expertise of our entire team.
Design ServicesEach email you send through iContact is a chance to grow your business and engage your contacts. Our Design Services Team offers a complete set of services to help you get the most out of each message you send. Ask us to design your custom templates, footers, subscription pages, and sign-up forms, turn your documents into HTML emails, test your messages across email clients, or even send your messages for you when you're short on time.
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