Thursday, February 26, 2015

What Is Aconitum Napellus Used for?


Common names for Aconitum Napellus are monkshood or wolfsbane. Aconitum is not a flower but an herb. It grows perennially, sometimes as high as 8 feet tall. Aconitum grows lobe-shaped leaves that are purple, blue, yellow or white in color and bears a small fruit pod. There are 109 species and seven hybrids of Aconitum. It is grown widely in the Swiss Alps.


Aconitum Napellus, or Aconite, is poisonous. Reported symptoms of Aconite poisoning are crawling skin, vomiting and coldness. As late as 2004, a Canadian actor named Andre Noble died by eating it accidentally during a camping trip. Aconite contains not just one but many different dangerous chemicals and there is no antidote. The effectiveness of this herb to treat some ailments isn't disputed, but the effectiveness level is so close to fatal toxicity that it would be easy to overdose.


Aconitum Napellus has found its place in mythological history. As wolfsbane, it was believed to repel the werewolf and protect anyone who wore it from the wolf's attack. Ancient Romans used Aconitum to fulfill the death penalty on their convicted criminals. Later the Roman government made the use of the herb illegal and punished citizens who grew it. Murders have been committed using Aconitum because of its dangerous chemicals like aconitine. When villages were attacked in Medieval times, sometimes the villagers would poison the water supply with Aconitum before fleeing for safety.


All 109 species of Aconitum contain the poison aconitine. The poison permeates the plant but is in large supply found in the root. Eating a leaf or snacking on a tiny portion of the root would cause almost immediate numbness and tingling in the mouth. Children and pets should be kept away from it. Aconitum should never be grown with other herbs you intend to consume.

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The main ingredient aconitum nap. This is also known as aconite, a plant that grows in western England and is considered poisonous.

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Aconitum make great flowers for shade gardens. Get tips on planting and growing aconitum flowers in this free gardening video.


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