Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pain Relief for Dogs

Prescription Medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Narcotic pain relievers such as Fentanyl are used post-operatively or to reduce the pain of serious conditions such as bone cancer.

OTC Pain Relievers

Buffered aspirin can be administered at a rate of 10 mg per pound of body weight. Use acetaminophen and ibuprofen under veterinary supervision only.


Within the first 48 hours of a sprain or strain, ice packs can help to reduce swelling and pain. Ice may speed recovery as well.


Gentle, calming massage can reduce the anxiety commonly associated with pain in dogs. Massage also helps to increase blood flow and release muscle tension.

Alternative Treatments

Veterinary chiropractic, the correction of "subluxations" of the spine, can relieve pain associated with spinal misalignments. Acupuncture is also gaining credibility as a method of pain relief for pets.

References Resources More Like This

Joint Pain Relief for Dogs

Pain Relief for Dogs With Arthritis

Natural Pain Relief for Dogs

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