Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Best Tonsil Stone Removal Methods for Removing Tonsil Stones

The Best Tonsil Stone Removal Methods for Removing Tonsil Stones

If you are trying to successfully find a tonsil stone removal  you need to first understand causes this problem to begin with. The medical name for tonsil stones is tonsilloliths and it occurs when an accumulation of calcium salts form in the crevices and pockets of the tonsils. This accumulation of calcium salts is known as calcification .

Sometimes the crevices and pockets in your tonsils get filled with bacteria, food debris, dead cells, mucus, and other materials that can get trapped. These materials can eventually build up and calcify.

These calcified materials are known as tonsil stones and they often appear at the back and the roof of your mouth. They normally have a white or yellow color and are small in size, but can grow very big. A lot of people have small tonsil stones inside their tonsils, but big tonsil stones rarely occur.

Depending on how large this accumulation of calcified materials is you’,ll experience a great deal of pain and discomfort in your throat. There are other materials like magnesium and phosphorus that can build up and cause tonsil stone symptoms. People who are most likely to develop tonsil stones are those who experience chronic inflammation inside their tonsils or concurrent episodes of tonsillitis.

The symptoms of this condition are hard to detect, even if the tonsil stones are huge. The only way to really know you have them in your tonsils is by getting a CT scan or X ray. Some common symptoms of this problem that will give you an indication that you need tonsil stones removal are bad breath (halitosis), metallic taste, excessive coughing, choking, sore throat, white debris in the back of your throat, a hard time swallowing, swollen tonsils, and ear pain. Kids are less likely to develop tonsil stones compared to adults.


There are certain things you can do to prevent tonsil stones from developing in the first place or coming back once they get removed. Some of these things include:

  • Removing bacteria that builds up at the back of your tongue once you get done brushing your teeth. The best way to do this is to utilize a tongue scraper each night before you go to bed each night.
  • Brush your teeth regularly so that you can get rid of food debris that get trapped in between your teeth. Brush your teeth and tongue at least 2 times everyday.
  • Combine 1 tablespoons of salt and 1 cup of water and gargle it. Gargling salt water will help disinfect your mouth and help remove bacteria that could cause tonsil stones. Do this a few times everyday.
  • Increasing your water intake is a good way to prevent this problem, as it will help keep your mouth moisturized. Stay away from sugared drinks likes sodas because they are known to contribute to the development of tonsil stones.
  • Try to stop smoking and drinking alcohol as much. Drinks with alcohol in it can leave your mouth dry, which isn’,t good if you often experience tonsil stones. Smoking won’,t help your situation either.

Cut dairy products out of your daily diet. Dairy products promote the accumulation of calcium and mucus, which are known tonsilloliths causes.

The only other way to prevent the occurrence of tonsil stones is to completely remove your tonsils. The surgical removal of tonsils is known as tonsillectomy where the patient is given anesthesia before the procedure begins.

Tonsil Stone Removal

By far the most common question we get on our website is how to naturally get rid of tonsil stones for good instead of resorting to expensive and risky surgery like tonsillectomy.

When people ask us what is the best natural treatment to fully get rid of tonsil stones and keep them from ever returning we almost always recommend:

Fast Tonsil Stones Cure

I started getting these nasty tonsil stones at the ripe old age of 41. My body suddenly decided to start producing these stinky little pebbles of yuck (some of which I couldn’,t see but cough up).

I was totally grossed out when I took out my LED flashlight and realized I had them in the back of my mouth. I thought it was maybe some really old stuff somehow stuck in my teeth! They smelled putrid.

I suffered from post nasal drip and along with that the following things seemed to cause more stones to appear: smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee, milk, cheese, yogurt, dairy based products, sugary foods (chocolate, sweets, non diet soda, desserts etc), nuts (probably the worst for me).

When I used to get them I would feel a tickle in my throat and cough a bit uncontrollably. Even though they were small, they gave me a bunch of problems such as ear aches and pain in the throat. However, I don’,t believe in removing the tonsils as I’,m convinced that they serve a purpose in the body’,s defense system against germs.

I went to my doctor who told me to go to my dentist. My dentist then told me to go to the doctor! I really found it shocking that doctors don’,t have a clue about these annoyances. I would use q-tips, bobby pins, and even chopsticks to pry them out, which was hard to do without gagging.

After the first year of dealing with these stones I was so desperate I would have tried anything. So when I first stumbled upon Allen Thompson’,s all natural tonsil stone treatment program I didn’,t even hesitate. I knew I was onto something when I stopped getting them every few weeks and I didn’,t have bad breath any longer. I couldn’,t even believe it. It Worked!  Thank God! I’,ve been tonsil stones free ever since.

I was so happy with my results I reached out to Allen and had the pleasure of working with him for a short while. Allen always keeps his word and delivers real results with his product.

There is so much misleading information out there when it comes to naturally getting rid of tonsil stones it is easy to get overwhelmed.

So after continually being asked by some of our regular subscribers we decided to strip down 7 of the most popular natural tonsil stone treatment products to see which ones actually worked. It wasn’t a surprise that most of them were complete Garbage.

In the end, only 2 made the cut. These 2 all natural programs provide all the information and resources needed to permanently remove tonsil stones quickly, safely, and in a cheap way.


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