Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sod cutter rental

Reasons to Rent This Sod Cutter From YardRents

Recommended Protection

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the sod cutter require a lot of physical labor?

No. It's self-propelled. This means that the large wheels under the machine will pull it forward so all you have to do is steer.

How much fuel does the sod cutter use?

This Sod Cutter is very fuel-efficient. Most projects will require less than a gallon of gas from start to finish.

How long does it take to cut 1000 square feet of grass/sod?

It really depends on the operator and how you plan to deal with the sod after you cut it. If you have someone rolling up the sod and moving it out of the way. while you are cutting, then you can possibly cut 1000 square feet of sod in about 2 hours.

Is sod heavy?

Yes. Depending on moisture levels, a 5 foot by 12 inch section of sod can weigh up to 60 pounds. You don't want to try to roll up a long row of sod. Instead, you should plan to break it up in to manageable sections. Otherwise, you can find yourself straining to pickup and move large 100+ pound rolls of grass and dirt.

How close can I get to concrete curbs, paths, and sidewalks?

You can usually visualize the distance between the cutting blade and a concrete path by simply looking around and down between the front and back wheels on the side closest to the concrete. Use your hands, eyes, and ears to determine if you are too close to the concrete. If you feel or hear unusual sounds (like metal rubbing concrete) or if you see the blade within an inch of the concrete then steer the machine away from the concrete. This does not require a significant change of course, but rather a gentle nudge away.

How long will I need it?

The average Portland area home owner is done cutting within 2 hours.

Does it have reverse?

Yes. This sod cutter has variable forward and reverse speeds.


  • Lift sod from fairways to allow for drain trenching
  • Stripping turf from tee boxes and practice greens
  • Remove or expand shrub and flower beds
  • Remove grass to install a patio or walkway Relocate sod to create a vegetable garden


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