Monday, March 16, 2015

Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Size 1 Economy Pack Plus, 234 Count

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

532 of 607 people found the following review helpful

By JC on October 21, 2011

Unit Count: 234 Size Name: 1 Verified Purchase

New parent here. I have been using Swaddlers since my baby was born (newborn size). Great diapers in my opinion.

I had read that some Pampers diapers had Dry-Max in them and that it could irritate sensitive skin. However, as much reading I did online I never got a good concrete answer on which Pampers Swaddlers had dry-max in them.

To convolute things even more, go to a local store that sells diapers and you will probably find that some Pampers Swaddlers packages say "with Dry Max" on them and some dont (I'm not talking about the Sensitive version - Just regular Swaddlers). So Pampers makes two versions of Swaddlers, one with Dry max and one without? WRONG! (well, at least according to Pampers themselves that is wrong). Straight from Pampers customer service:

1. Any regular Pampers Swaddlers (non-Sensiitive versions) diapers have Dry-Max (regardless of whether it says Dry-max on the packing or not)

2. Pampers Swaddlers SENSITIVE do NOT have Dry-Max

I confirmed this by sending them the product codes of various diapers I had bought online and in actual stores, and they confirmed that each one had dry-max in it (even though some of the packaging did not explicitly say dry-max on it).

For the really confusing part, there is a non-sensitive Pampers Swaddlers Newborn diaper that does NOT have dry-max in it, even though it is packaged like a "regular" Swaddler (i.e. non-sensitive). Look closely and you will see on each of these newborn packages that it has a special little symbol on it that reads "SPECIALIZED HOSPITAL PRODUCT". What's that all about? I contacted Pampers again:

"Thanks for writing!

There is some packaging that is normally not offered at the retail level. Read more &rsaquo,


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