Thursday, March 19, 2015

DIY Network

Highlights: Step 1: Prepare the Site and Pour the Concrete Footer

Remove current mailbox and post. If the post is set in concrete, that too must be dug up and removed before proceeding. Clear away all dirt and debris from the site. Mark off a 2&rsquo, square where the mailbox will be built. Excavate the area to a depth of 8&rdquo,. Use tamper to level and compact soil. Add pea gravel to a height of 2&rdquo, then compact and level with tamper.

Mix fast-drying cement according to manufacturer's directions to create the mailbox footer. Once the cement reaches the proper oatmeal consistency, pour on top of pea gravel until the hole is filled to ground level. Smooth and level the cement pad using a trowel and carpenter&rsquo,s level. Allow cement to cure for 24-48 hours, depending on conditions.

Step 2: Build the Block Core

The mailbox is built by laying courses of bricks against an interior core of stacked cement blocks. Position two 8&rdquo, x 8&rdquo, x 16&rdquo, concrete blocks side by side on top of the mailbox footer, making sure they are centered and square. Mark their position in the footing by outlining them with a trowel or pencil. Remove the blocks. Prepare premixed mortar according to manufacturer's directions. Lay a generous layer of mortar along the marked lines where the blocks will sit, making sure there enough to support the blocks. Place the blocks onto the mortar (Image 1), pressing into place, making sure they are square, plumb and level.

Apply a layer of mortar on top of the first row of cement blocks. Press two cement blocks into the mortar bed, making sure to run this second course perpendicular to the first (Image 2). Make sure they are square, plumb and level.


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