Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What Is the Strongest Deodorant?

Other People Are Reading Ingredients That Make A Deodorant or Antiperspirant Effective

Most deodorants or antiperspirants, whether made for men or women, contain fragrance to control body odor, alcohol for fast-drying and skin conditioners to prevent dry skin. Aerosol and roll-on deodorants contain the antiperspirant, aluminum chlorohydrate hexahydrate, or ACH. Gels and other solid deodorants contain the antiperspirant salt, aluminum zirconium, or AZAG. What determines the strongest deodorant is the amount of the active ingredient, -- ACH or AZAG -- it contains.

Prescription Strength Deodorant or Antiperspirants

Hyperhidrosis -- or excessive sweating -- is an embarrassing condition that doesn't respond as well to OTC antiperspirants as prescription strength ones. Prescription strength formulas include increased amounts of ACH or AZAG, in some cases as much as 25 percent higher than conventional brands. Use of prescription deodorants requires caution, the higher percentage of these ingredients, the harder they are on the skin. The best prescription strength deodorant brand is Drysol, according to

Clinical Strength Deodorants and Antiperspirants

Not everyone who sweats heavily needs a prescription strength antiperspirant: But they probably do need something stronger than regular over-the-counter deodorants. Clinical strength deodorant formulas are similar to prescription formulas, save for a lower ACH or AZAG content, usually about 15 percent less than prescription ones. Kinder to the skin, albeit higher in price, clinical strength deodorants are available OTC, with Secret Advanced taking the honors for best clinical strength deodorant, according to

Regular Strength Deodorants and Antiperspirants

For those without excessive sweating problems, regular strength deodorants and antiperspirants are available in formulas with the lowest percentages of tACH and AZAG. Available in non-aerosol spray, roll-on, powder sticks and gels, most manufacturers have a male and female version of their brand. Determining the best and strongest deodorant is up to the person who is choosing which brand works for them.

Natural or Herbal Deodorants and Antiperspirants

Natural herbal deodorants are on the market that replace aluminum ingredients with natural ingredients, such as sage and chamomile. Without the benefit of ACH or AZAG, the herbal brands are only mildly effective, but for those who prefer natural ingredients, gives Crystal Body Deodorant the best rating.


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