Thursday, February 19, 2015

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Welcome To About Tall Fescue Grass

Tall fescue is a dense, clumping grass that grows well in shady areas and is often mixed with other grasses for just this quality. Tall Fescue grass was brought to the US in the early 1800’s for pasturage purposes and now grows in about 4/5 of our country, with turf type varieties used in lawns, on athletic fields, in parks and other areas where a cool season turf grass is desired.

Tall fescues make early, fast growing lawns and pastures and the turf type fescue grass seed can provide a beautiful lawn with the following characteristics:

  • Low maintenance - a dense root system make this a drought tolerant grass - Great for the Environment
  • Tall fescue stays green all year when properly maintained.
  • Tall Fescue is shade and heat tolerant.
  • Clippings from mowing may be left as they are beneficial for the grass nutrition.
  • Tall fescue has shade tolerance that exceeds that of other cool season grasses.
  • Tall fescue can endure heavy foot traffic.
  • Improved varieties of Tall Fescue have higher disease and insect resistance.

Tall fescue is one of the more important grasses used throughout the transition zone in cooler areas and the northern USA. It is a bunch type grass established from seeds. Tall fescue is best known for its Kentucky 31 variety. but there are also new improved turf type fescue seed available with more shade and heat resistance qualities along with other desirable traits.

These turf-type fescue grass seed varieties offer the average home owner a way of improving the quality of their lawn without increased maintenance. Some of these new turf-type fescues are sold in blends of different varieties for even more quality performance.

Fescue grass is also used in erosion control areas, country meadows plantings with wild flowers, athletic fields, and pastures. Fescue can be used anywhere a cool season all around general-purpose grass is needed.

For pastures be sure and plant ONLY ENDOPHYTE FRIENDLY OR ENDOPHYTE FREE TALL FESCUE. You can find endophyte safe Pasture Tall Fescue Seed. including the new endophyte free Kentucky 32, at our online store .


Adaptation Areas For Tall Fescue

Tall Fescue grass performs best in heavier soil with a lot of organic matter and grows in a large area of the USA as shown in the fescue adaptation map here. Please note that planting Tall Fescue in the northern area states with temps below 10 will result in winter kill.

Tall fescue grass is favored for it's ability to grow well in the shadier northern areas and throughout the transition areas where cool season grasses cannot take the warmer climate.

Tall Fescue grass also performs well in the upper areas of the USA where the warmer season grasses cannot tolerate the cooler weather.

Earlier seeding of Tall Fescue grass under trees that have shed their leaves will help the fescue to use the extra early heat to germinate and easily establish before the trees completely leaf out in the spring. . Growing a beautiful tomorrow!®


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