In 1953, in participation with the Bureau of Reclamation and the Bureau of Land Management, Watersaver pioneered the development and use of geomembranes for catchment systems and liners for canals and reservoirs. Meeting the needs of the customer through development of new products and technologies has been the core focus of Watersaver since its inception.
Despite Watersaver&rsquo,s tremendous growth over the past six decades, we have not lost our of the most important facet of the geomembrane industry: serving the needs of the customer, economically.
TodayNow, and for over 60 years, Watersaver continues to offer customers the HIGHEST QUALITY Geomembrane liners at the LOWEST PRICE accompanied by our UNSURPASSED SERVICE. Watersaver&rsquo,s background in the industry provides the customer comfort knowing that the Industry&rsquo,s most experienced technical staff is working with them on their project.
TomorrowOur efforts do not stop here. We are continually developing ways to meet the demands of our industry and stricter government regulations with new products and fabrication technologies. Watersaver is the innovator you can turn to with your specific containment needs.
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