Thursday, February 19, 2015


Selecting That First Bow

by Terry Sedivec

Times have sure changed from when I first started bow hunting. The equipment is better and the knowledge exchange is much better. There are so many ways now through social media that allows hunters instant information on what’s working and what’s not. Still today I prefer to test theories out myself only because equipment may work better for one person, but differently for others.

My 11-year-old son, has had great exposure to the outdoors that recently he has truly come to appreciate. Although he’s taken several does with…,

Chestnut Bounty: Does It Make Deer Wallow?

by Matt Haecker

As you may know, venturing out into the field can bring unexpected surprises. Recently on a trip to Alabama, I was reminded of this very…,

Return To Natural

by David Morris

Recently, a frustrated hunter called to bemoan his lack of success, and in the course of his moanings, he said to me, “If you had…,


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