Thursday, February 12, 2015

Michelob (Original Lager)

Michelob (Original Lager) - Anheuser-Busch

3.29 /5 rDev +24.2%

look: 3.25 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3

Looks great, but not a lot of taste but very drinkable and pretty much everyone will drink it. I like this one more than I like most american lagers.

3.74 /5 rDev +41.1%

Appearance (3.25). pours a 2 finger head that quickly recedes to a 1 finger height and then a ring. Draught it is not. Body is transparent gold straw, champagne-like in appearance.

Aroma (3.75). A sweet aroma, with sweet grains, malt, corn, barley, and a little hop. Just a lot of fresh, pleasant sweetness.

Taste (3.75). This beer tastes like a much more prestigious beer. This is not a typical B/M/C beer. The hop comes out right away, enveloped by a subtle malty sweetness that compliments the hop nicely. Dare I say there's a pinch too much hop? Just barely. Impressive. A hoppy, dry finish with some dark and murky rye notes.

Mouthfeel (3.75). creamy, a subtle carbonation - with a dry, musky finish.

Overall (3.74). I was really impressed here. I wish I would have bought more. I like it a lot and can't wait to try their "light" offering. Much better than youd expect. Almost German-esque.


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