Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Industrial First Aid


Your source for OSHA first aid and safety kits, OSHA First Aid products and First Aid supplies - Do not be misled. if you are looking for an "OSHA Approved First Aid Kit" or an "OSHA Certified First Aid Kit", there is no such thing.

OSHA sets forth OSHA First Aid Kit guidelines for General Industry, for Construction, and Industry Specific OSHA First Aid kit guidelines, but OSHA does not "Approve" any manufacturer's first aid kits. it is up to the manufacturer to assure that the kits fulfill the OSHA First Aid Kit Requirements, and thereby state that the kits are "OSHA Compliant" or that the kits "meets OSHA First Aid Kit Guidelines". The first aid kits on this page are "OSHA Compliant" in that they meet or exceed OSHA First Aid Guidelines for the purposes they are defined as suiting. If someone tells you they are selling you an "OSHA Approved First Aid Kit" beware. they are probably stretching the truth, ask them for the OSHA Compliance certification if they insist their First aid Kit is OSHA approved. otherwise, shop online here for OSHA Compliant First Aid Kits and OSHA Compliant First Aid Kit refills! (Looking for OSHA First Aid Training ? )

10 Person, 63 piece Bulk Kit, Plastic Case with Dividers - Botiquin de Primeros Auxilios 10 personas ITEM / SKU: 222-U

10 Person, 63 piece bulk kit, plastic case w/ dividers, 1 ea.

This 63-piece first aid kit is ideal for contractors, vehicles or small companies with less than 10 employees. It meets federal OSHA requirements 1910.151b (State requirements may vary). Sturdy and convenient, the 10-unit plastic case contains the first aid essentials to prepare you for work-related accidents. The partitioned, water-resistant plastic case is wall mountable yet has a handle for easy carrying. ( This First Aid Kit can be Custom Labeled with your own Brand, Slogan, Logo or Imprint )


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