Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Honey blonde hair dye

Honey blonde hair color

One of the most popular dyes is the honey blonde hair color, you can wear it all year round and it makes you feel sexy. Women who dye their hair with this color need to have light brown or mousy hair. To give the hair a little texture add different tones. This hair color is very easy to maintain and you can pull it off in any situation. You do need to do something is order to maintain it. So, if you want to look like a natural blonde you should go with the honey blonde hair color .

If you have never colored your hair or you do not know how to do it then you should do a little research. First and for most you should determine if the color will look good in you or not. Do not look at celebrity pictures and imagine that you will look like that because they have their hair colored by professionals. So, first you need to determine what kind of skin tone you have. If you have a warm skin tone then you should reconsider because it will not look good on you. On the other hand if you have cool skin tone then it will look good on you. If you like cute fashion ideas, you might enjoy changing your hair color to warmer tones, sometimes, just a nuance up or down from your current color can make a world of difference, but you have to be careful when choosing.

If you have nerve done this you should ask a stylist and see what he thinks. If you are determined to do it on your own then you should take a little bit of hair color and apply a couple of strands of hair. If you like how they look then you can go on and dye the rest of your hair. Moreover, with a different hair color you might change your entire style and reinvent yourself, make new clothing choices and come up with new cute fashion ideas for your appearance.

You have to know that when you apply the honey blonde hair color you will need to lighten you hair about two shades. If you are a blonde you will need to make you hair lighter, if you are a brunette you will need to mix some colors because if not you will end up with orange hair.

When you decide to dye your hair with honey blonde hair color you should keep in mind all the things we mentioned above. You should also take into consideration the fact that what you see in the pictures or on the box is not what you will achieve. To get the perfect result you should go to a specialist, he will know what to do to give you your dream hair color .


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