Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Customer reviews for 70 PINT DEHUMIDIFIER

Overall I Recommend This Unit


Did my research to the point where I have to much Info. about Dehumidifiers. A Consumer Tester doesn't rank this model tops, but I don't always rank them tops either, since I have to subscribe to a magazine to be able to pay more to subscribe online.

Back to the DANBY,

I bought the 70 pint monster for my Finished 5 Room Basement, if your gonna one for a large area or several rooms? get a big one) It does the job and won't work up a sweat and only needs to run a limited number of hours a day!

About the Negatives: NONE FOR ME YET. But some people who have negatives, sometimes don't really know how to use the unit correctly !

FAN RUNS CONTINUOUSLY. but that is good, when humidity level near the unit is down to unit setting, compressor shuts down but humidity level at other locations may still be too high?

Fan running creates a constant air flow similar to Central AC or auto AC (in &, out), pulling new moist air to the unit and pushing dried air up and away from unit. Some other units will draw moist air in from front of unit, dehumidify it and exhaust it out the back, the dry air can bounce off a wall (if unit has to be placed near one) and tell the Dehumidifier sensor it is not needed to run the compressor, while other areas of your basement or living area may still be somewhat damp?


Figure out how long your unit needs to run to do the job you want it to, then set the TIMER to run, 2,4,6,8,10 hours @ night when energy costs are lowest for you. unit will automatically shut on or off by your settings. Hook up the direct drain (longer hose if necessary) Now you are good to go and forget emptying the bucket.

I have a dry basement but in humid weather this sucker will take a gallon a day out of my 5 Room FINISHED basement. Buy a couple of inexpensive Hygrometers to use to TEST the Humidity in the areas that you want to Dehumidify.


Exhaust Creates Heat: NOT EXACTLY, humidified air will feel somewhat warmer (couple degrees) since their is no moisture in it.

If your whole area feels a tad warmer? your unit is doing a swell job !

Short Drain Hose: Get a longer one (Garden hose works) .

Drain Bucket Awkward To Empty: Learn how to do it, it takes a little practice for some. If you can't? use DIRECT DRAIN Feature, I did.

Noisy: The bigger the COMPRESSOR, usually the more noise. You will get used to it, although NOT EXCESSIVE TO ME, especially on low fan setting. High Fan Setting Will Move More Air From Longer Distances !

Continuous Fan: GREAT FEATURE. You can learn how to CONTROL THIS if it bothers you, WITH THE TIMER.

Value versus Price: only 4 0f 5 stars because: Quality is probably as to be expected for the year 2012 and the world we live in.

Don't expect this or any of the newer units to be running 10 years from now !

If you get 5 Years? you will be lucky.

Overall after just a week I have removed at least 6 gals. of water from my DRY BASEMENT.

Now I am experimenting with using the TIMER to run just enough hours as needed, at night only.

If my unit was in my bedroom or living area I would set TIMER to do the job when I was at work or away.

NICE WARRANTY BUT you must transport unit to nearest authorized Service Center.

My 1st unit lasted 30th years, don't expect that in 2012 but the Danby 70 Pint Unit has met my expectations and more to date !


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