В В В В В В В В В CMS 1500 forms are red and white claim forms used by medical professionals to submit insurance claims for payments when they are submitted on paper.В MostВ health insurance claims are filed today electronically, but there is still a need to actually fill outВ the CMS paper claimВ form and mail them to the insurance carrier.В There are a few smaller insurance carriers not yet ready to receive claims electronically so they still use the 1500 or HCFA forms.В And not all clearing houses whichВ process the electronic claimsВ handle all insurance carriers leaving the need to submit some paper claim forms.В
В В В В В В В В В When a patient has two health insurance policies and one is primary and one is secondary it isВ sometimes necessary to file the secondary claim on paper as well.В Ditto for tertiary claims.
В В В В В В В В В CMS forms are widely available for purchase and usually offered in boxes of 2500 forms.В They areВ still available in duplicate and track feed but are more common in single sheets.В TheВ forms also called HCFA formsВ must be completed accurately and completely for payment by the insurance carriers.В How to Complete a CMS1500 ebook takes you step by step thru the form explaining how to complete each box.
В В В В В В В В В The CMSВ forms were revised in August 2006.В The revised form accommodates the reporting of the NPI number or the National Provider Identifier.В The new formВ was officiallyВ accepted starting January 1, 2007 and it's use mandated by April 2, 2007.В В В
В В В В В В В В В The major difference betweenВ old and the revised CMS 1500 form is the split provider identifier field which allows for the reporting of both NPI number and the corresponding Legacy number on them.В В The "type of service" box wasВ eliminated and deemedВ no longer required information.В В
Some areas of the CMS1500 are shaded so that they start to look more like the UB92 forms which also changed.В В Here's more information on the new UB04 claim forms. В
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