Satisfaction Rating 1 /5
I purchased 2 new Maytag (3 &, 4 ton) heat pump systems for office condo in 2004 with a 10-yr warranty. In yr 9, the 3-ton unit required compressor &, electrical control panel parts replacement. Replacement took >4 mos due to bureaucratic maze relating to Maytag warranty provisions bankruptcy experienced by installing contractor, one of my Maytag units caught in such status.
Unit functioned for
8 months, but began frosting over with cold weather. Repeated attempts by contractor has failed to solve problem for >6 wks. Independent contractor engaged to provide diagnosis/recommendation. This contractor found refrigerant oil “everywhere” in unit, suggesting replacement contractor has been “spinning wheels”. New contractor suggested replacement of outside unit, rather than continue with its multiple ailments.
At purchase in 2004, the 2 units were represented to be “top of the line”. Based on above experience, I will never buy Maytag brand again, despite fact that sister unit has functioned without issue for >10 yrs.
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