Friday, January 9, 2015

Dove cremation

White Dove Cremation &, Burial Society provides affordable cremation and burial services to Chicago and the surrounding counties. We offer a dignified solution to the high cost of funerals. If cremation is not an option for your family, we offer burials from simple gravesides to complete funerals. All of our services can be conducted at our Chicago funeral home or your church. We personalize each cremation and funeral service to meet your religious, financial and family needs.

At difficult times like these, we would like to make this process as easy as possible for you. We have English- and Spanish-speaking personnel available 24 hours a day. If you would prefer to read our information in another language, click on the box on the left-hand side of the screen that says ",Select Language", to bring up a menu providing a selection of 65 different languages. Simply click the language on the list that you prefer.

Gracias por visitar nuestra pá,gina web. En momentos difí,ciles como estos, queremos facilitarle el proceso lo má,s posible. Personal hispanohablante está, disponible 24 horas cada dí,a. Para leer nuestra pá,gina en españ,ol, se puede oprimir ",Select Language", en la columna a la mano izquierda. En el menú, que se abre, seleccione ",Spanish", para traducir la pá,gina.

Each family is treated with care and concern. We respect your wishes and you can trust us to take care of even the slightest detail. We promise that the trust and confidence your family places with us will result in kindness, understanding and compassionate care. Our Chicago based staff is small enough to know you and large enough to assist you with all your funeral needs.

Why choose White Dove Cremation &, Burial Society?

White Dove Cremation &, Burial Society, Chicago, Illinois We are different from other cremation and burial providers in many ways:

&bull, There is no membership fee or hidden administration fees

&bull, Family must identify the loved one before the cremation

&bull, We have a funeral home for the identifying and for memorial/funeral services

&bull, Our charges are usually 50% below other fine funeral homes

&bull, We have a bilingual staff

&bull, A funeral director is available 24 hours, 7 days a week

&bull, We are family owned and operated

We offer a complete range of quality services from cremations to funerals, and are experienced at honoring many faiths and customs. At the time of death, our counselors are available to assist your survivors in arranging for memorial services, obtaining certified copies of the death certificate, cemetery services, grave markers and monuments, obituaries for newspapers and paperwork for Social Security and Veterans&rsquo, benefits.

Why Choose Cremation?

Families choose cremation for many reasons ranging from religious beliefs and ethnic customs to monetary concerns. Most families electing cremation are believed to do so simply because of personal preference. The number of people choosing cremation has grown substantially in the last few years. People are rejecting the idea that they should go ahead with a traditional burial simply because ",that's the way it's always been done.", Your last wishes should be a true reflection of the individual you are in life.

Some people are surprised to learn that cremation does not preclude a funeral with all the traditional aspects of the ceremony. Visitation or viewing with a funeral ceremony and church or memorial services are options to be considered. We are committed to arranging a service that is most befitting to your loved one and to help to celebrate their life in a meaningful way.


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